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IndependentOutputAdapterManagerBase Class

Represents an adapter base class that provides functionality to manage and distribute measurements to a collection of output adapters.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: GSF.TimeSeries.Adapters
Assembly: GSF.TimeSeries (in GSF.TimeSeries.dll) Version: 2.4.232-beta
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The IndependentOutputAdapterManagerBase type exposes the following members.

Protected methodIndependentOutputAdapterManagerBase Creates a new IndependentOutputAdapterManagerBase.
Protected propertyAutoInitialize Gets flag that determines if IAdapter implementations are automatically initialized when they are added to the collection.
(Inherited from AdapterCollectionBaseT)
Protected propertyAutoReparseConnectionString Gets or sets flag that determines if the IndependentOutputAdapterManagerBase adapter ConnectionString should be automatically parsed every time the DataSource is updated without requiring adapter to be reinitialized. Defaults to true to allow child adapters to come and go based on updates to system configuration.
Public propertyAutoStart Gets or sets flag indicating if adapter collection should automatically start items when AutoInitialize is false.
(Inherited from AdapterCollectionBaseT)
Public propertyConfigurationReloadWaitAttempts Gets or sets the total number of attempts to wait for system configuration reloads when waiting for configuration updates to be available.
Public propertyConfigurationReloadWaitTimeout Gets or sets the wait timeout, in milliseconds, that system wait for system configuration reload to complete.
Public propertyConnectionString Gets or sets key/value pair connection information specific to this AdapterCollectionBaseT.
(Inherited from AdapterCollectionBaseT)
Public propertyCount Gets the number of elements contained in the ICollectionT.
(Inherited from ListCollectionT)
Public propertyCurrentAdapterIndex Get adapter index currently being processed.
Public propertyCurrentDeviceID Gets associated device ID for CurrentAdapterIndex, if any, for measurement generation.
Public propertyCurrentOutputIndex Get adapter output index currently being processed.
Public propertyCustomAdapterSettings Gets any custom adapter settings to be added to each adapter connection string. Can be used to add settings that are custom per adapter.
Public propertyDatabaseConnectionString Gets or sets the connection string used for database operations. Leave blank to use local configuration database defined in "systemSettings".
Public propertyDatabaseProviderString Gets or sets the provider string used for database operations. Defaults to a SQL Server provider string.
Public propertyDataMember Gets or sets specific data member (e.g., table name) in DataSource used to Initialize this AdapterCollectionBaseT.
(Inherited from AdapterCollectionBaseT)
Public propertyDataSource Gets or sets DataSet based data source used to load each IAdapter. Updates to this property will cascade to all adapters in this IndependentOutputAdapterManagerBase.
(Overrides AdapterCollectionBaseTDataSource)
Public propertyEnabled Gets or sets enabled state of this AdapterCollectionBaseT.
(Inherited from AdapterCollectionBaseT)
Public propertyID Gets or sets numeric ID associated with this AdapterCollectionBaseT.
(Inherited from AdapterCollectionBaseT)
Public propertyInitializationTimeout Gets or sets the default adapter time that represents the maximum time system will wait during Start for initialization.
(Inherited from AdapterCollectionBaseT)
Public propertyInitialized Gets or sets flag indicating if the adapter collection has been initialized successfully.
(Inherited from AdapterCollectionBaseT)
Public propertyInputMeasurementIndexUsedForName Gets or sets the index into the per adapter input measurements to use for target adapter name.
Public propertyInputMeasurementKeys Gets or sets primary keys of input measurements for the IndependentOutputAdapterManagerBase.
(Overrides AdapterCollectionBaseTInputMeasurementKeys)
Public propertyInputMeasurementKeyTypes Gets input measurement SignalType's for each of the InputMeasurementKeys, if any.
Public propertyInputSourceIDs Gets or sets Source values used to filter input measurement keys.
(Inherited from AdapterCollectionBaseT)
Public propertyIsDisposed Gets a flag that indicates whether the object has been disposed.
(Inherited from AdapterCollectionBaseT)
Public propertyIsReadOnly Gets a value indicating whether the AdapterCollectionBaseT is read-only.
(Inherited from AdapterCollectionBaseT)
Public propertyItem Gets or sets the element at the specified index.
(Inherited from ListCollectionT)
Protected propertyItems Gets a IListT wrapper around the CollectionT.
(Inherited from ListCollectionT)
Protected propertyLog Log messages generated by an adapter.
(Inherited from AdapterCollectionBaseT)
Protected propertyMonitorTimerEnabled Gets or sets flag that determines if monitor timer should be used for monitoring processed measurement statistics for the AdapterCollectionBaseT.
(Inherited from AdapterCollectionBaseT)
Public propertyName Gets or sets the name of this AdapterCollectionBaseT.
(Inherited from AdapterCollectionBaseT)
Public propertyOutputIsForArchive Returns a flag that determines if all measurements sent to this OutputAdapterCollection are destined for archival.
(Inherited from OutputAdapterCollection)
Public propertyOutputMeasurements Gets or sets output measurements that the AdapterCollectionBaseT will produce, if any.
(Inherited from AdapterCollectionBaseT)
Public propertyOutputSourceIDs Gets or sets Source values used to filter output measurements.
(Inherited from AdapterCollectionBaseT)
Public propertyPerAdapterInputCount Gets number of input measurement required by each adapter.
Public propertyProcessedMeasurements Gets the total number of measurements processed and destined for archive thus far by each IOutputAdapter implementation in the OutputAdapterCollection.
(Inherited from OutputAdapterCollection)
Public propertyProcessingInterval Gets or sets the desired processing interval, in milliseconds, for the adapter collection and applies this interval to each adapter.
(Inherited from AdapterCollectionBaseT)
Public propertyRequestedInputMeasurementKeys Gets or sets input measurement keys that are requested by other adapters based on what adapter says it can provide.
(Inherited from AdapterCollectionBaseT)
Public propertyRequestedOutputMeasurementKeys Gets or sets output measurement keys that are requested by other adapters based on what adapter says it can provide.
(Inherited from AdapterCollectionBaseT)
Public propertyRunTime Gets the total amount of time, in seconds, that the adapter has been active.
(Inherited from AdapterCollectionBaseT)
Public propertySettings Gets settings DictionaryTKey, TValue parsed when ConnectionString was assigned.
(Inherited from AdapterCollectionBaseT)
Public propertySourceMeasurementTable Gets or sets the source measurement table to use for configuration.
Public propertyStartTime Gets the UTC time this AdapterCollectionBaseT was started.
(Inherited from AdapterCollectionBaseT)
Public propertyStartTimeConstraint Gets the start time temporal processing constraint defined by call to SetTemporalConstraint(String, String, String).
(Inherited from AdapterCollectionBaseT)
Public propertyStatus Returns the detailed status of the IndependentOutputAdapterManagerBase.
(Overrides AdapterCollectionBaseTStatus)
Public propertyStopTime Gets the UTC time this AdapterCollectionBaseT was stopped.
(Inherited from AdapterCollectionBaseT)
Public propertyStopTimeConstraint Gets the stop time temporal processing constraint defined by call to SetTemporalConstraint(String, String, String).
(Inherited from AdapterCollectionBaseT)
Public propertySupportsTemporalProcessing Gets the flag indicating if this adapter collection supports temporal processing.
(Inherited from AdapterCollectionBaseT)
Public methodAdd Adds an item to the ICollectionT.
(Inherited from ListCollectionT)
Public methodClear Removes all items from the ICollectionT.
(Inherited from ListCollectionT)
Protected methodClearItems Removes all elements from the CollectionT.
(Inherited from AdapterCollectionBaseT)
Public methodConfigurationReloaded Notifies derived classes that configuration has been reloaded
Public methodContains Determines whether the ICollectionT contains a specific value.
(Inherited from ListCollectionT)
Public methodCopyTo Copies the elements of the ICollectionT to an Array, starting at a particular Array index.
(Inherited from ListCollectionT)
Public methodDispose Releases all the resources used by the AdapterCollectionBaseT object.
(Inherited from AdapterCollectionBaseT)
Protected methodDispose(Boolean) Releases the unmanaged resources used by the IndependentOutputAdapterManagerBase object and optionally releases the managed resources.
(Overrides AdapterCollectionBaseTDispose(Boolean))
Protected methodDisposeItem Unwires events and disposes of IOutputAdapter implementation.
(Inherited from OutputAdapterCollection)
Public methodEnumerateAdapters Enumerates child adapters.
Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodFinalize Releases the unmanaged resources before the AdapterCollectionBaseT object is reclaimed by GC.
(Inherited from AdapterCollectionBaseT)
Public methodGetAdapterStatus Gets subscriber information for specified client connection.
Public methodGetConfiguredConnection Gets configured database connection.
Public methodGetEnumerator Returns an enumerator that iterates through the CollectionT.
(Inherited from ListCollectionT)
Public methodGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetShortStatus Gets a short one-line status of this IndependentOutputAdapterManagerBase.
(Overrides AdapterCollectionBaseTGetShortStatus(Int32))
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodIndexOf Determines the index of a specific item in the IListT.
(Inherited from ListCollectionT)
Public methodInitialize Initializes the IndependentOutputAdapterManagerBase.
(Overrides AdapterCollectionBaseTInitialize)
Protected methodInitializeItem Wires events and initializes new IOutputAdapter implementation.
(Inherited from OutputAdapterCollection)
Public methodInsert Inserts an item to the IListT at the specified index.
(Inherited from ListCollectionT)
Protected methodInsertItem Inserts an element into the CollectionT the specified index.
(Inherited from AdapterCollectionBaseT)
Protected methodMemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodOnConfigurationChanged Raises ConfigurationChanged event.
(Inherited from AdapterCollectionBaseT)
Protected methodOnInputMeasurementKeysUpdated Raises InputMeasurementKeysUpdated event.
(Inherited from AdapterCollectionBaseT)
Protected methodOnOutputMeasurementsUpdated Raises OutputMeasurementsUpdated event.
(Inherited from AdapterCollectionBaseT)
Protected methodOnProcessException(Exception)Obsolete.
Raises the ProcessException event.
(Inherited from AdapterCollectionBaseT)
Protected methodOnProcessException(MessageLevel, Exception, String, MessageFlags) Raises the ProcessException event.
(Inherited from AdapterCollectionBaseT)
Protected methodOnStatusMessage(String)Obsolete.
Raises the StatusMessage event.
(Inherited from AdapterCollectionBaseT)
Protected methodOnStatusMessage(String, Object)Obsolete.
Raises the StatusMessage event with a formatted status message.
(Inherited from AdapterCollectionBaseT)
Protected methodOnStatusMessage(MessageLevel, String, String, MessageFlags) Raises the StatusMessage event and sends this data to the Logger.
(Inherited from AdapterCollectionBaseT)
Protected methodOnUnprocessedMeasurements Raises the UnprocessedMeasurements event.
(Inherited from OutputAdapterCollection)
Public methodParseConnectionString Parses connection string. Derived classes should override for custom connection string parsing.
Public methodQueueMeasurementsForProcessing Queues a collection of measurements for processing to each IOutputAdapter connected to this IndependentOutputAdapterManagerBase.
(Overrides OutputAdapterCollectionQueueMeasurementsForProcessing(IEnumerableIMeasurement))
Public methodRecalculateRoutingTables Recalculates routing tables.
Public methodRemove Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the ICollectionT.
(Inherited from ListCollectionT)
Public methodRemoveAt Removes the element at the specified index of the CollectionT.
(Inherited from ListCollectionT)
Protected methodRemoveItem Removes the element at the specified index of the CollectionT.
(Inherited from AdapterCollectionBaseT)
Public methodRemoveMeasurements This function removes a range of measurements from the internal measurement queues. Note that the requested total will be removed from each IOutputAdapter implementation in this OutputAdapterCollection.
(Inherited from OutputAdapterCollection)
Public methodResetStatistics Resets the statistics of this collection.
(Inherited from AdapterCollectionBaseT)
Protected methodSetItem Assigns a new element to the CollectionT at the specified index.
(Inherited from AdapterCollectionBaseT)
Public methodSetTemporalConstraint Defines a temporal processing constraint for the adapter collection and applies this constraint to each adapter.
(Inherited from AdapterCollectionBaseT)
Public methodStart Starts, or restarts, each IAdapter implementation in this AdapterCollectionBaseT.
(Inherited from AdapterCollectionBaseT)
Public methodStop Stops each IAdapter implementation in this AdapterCollectionBaseT.
(Inherited from AdapterCollectionBaseT)
Public methodToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodTryCreateAdapter Attempts to create an IAdapter from the specified DataRow.
(Inherited from AdapterCollectionBaseT)
Protected methodTryGetAdapterTValue Attempts to get the adapter with the specified value given testItem function.
(Inherited from AdapterCollectionBaseT)
Public methodTryGetAdapterByID Attempts to get the adapter with the specified id.
(Inherited from AdapterCollectionBaseT)
Public methodTryGetAdapterByName Attempts to get the adapter with the specified name.
(Inherited from AdapterCollectionBaseT)
Public methodTryInitializeAdapterByID Attempts to initialize (or reinitialize) an individual IAdapter based on its ID.
(Inherited from AdapterCollectionBaseT)
Protected methodValidateEvenInputCount Validates that an even number of inputs are provided for specified PerAdapterInputCount.
Public eventConfigurationChanged Event is raised when adapter is aware of a configuration change.
(Inherited from AdapterCollectionBaseT)
Public eventDisposed Event is raised when this AdapterCollectionBaseT is disposed or an IAdapter in the collection is disposed.
(Inherited from AdapterCollectionBaseT)
Public eventInputMeasurementKeysUpdated Event is raised when InputMeasurementKeys are updated.
(Inherited from AdapterCollectionBaseT)
Public eventOutputMeasurementsUpdated Event is raised when OutputMeasurements are updated.
(Inherited from AdapterCollectionBaseT)
Public eventProcessException Event is raised when there is an exception encountered while processing.
(Inherited from AdapterCollectionBaseT)
Public eventStatusMessage Provides status messages to consumer.
(Inherited from AdapterCollectionBaseT)
Public eventUnprocessedMeasurements Event is raised every five seconds allowing host to track total number of unprocessed measurements.
(Inherited from OutputAdapterCollection)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodAddRangeIAdapter Adds the specified items to the collection.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
Public Extension MethodAllParallelIAdapter Determines whether all elements of a sequence satisfy a condition with each item being tested in parallel.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
Public Extension MethodDistinctByIAdapter, TKey Returns only the elements whose keys are distinct.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
Public Extension MethodFindAdapter Finds child adapter with specified adapterName.
(Defined by IndependentAdapterManagerExtensions)
Public Extension MethodGetEnumValueOrDefault Gets the enumeration constant for value, if defined in the enumeration, or a default value.
(Defined by EnumExtensions)
Public Extension MethodGetEnumValueOrDefaultT Gets the enumeration constant for this value, if defined in the enumeration, or a default value.
(Defined by EnumExtensions)
Public Extension MethodGetMeasurementRecord Gets measurement record, creating it if needed.
(Defined by IndependentAdapterManagerExtensions)
Public Extension MethodGetMeasurementRecord Gets measurement record, creating it if needed.
(Defined by MetadataHelpers)
Public Extension MethodGetParentDevice Gets ID of parent device, creating or updating record if needed, for the current IAdapter instance.
(Defined by MetadataHelpers)
Public Extension MethodGetRangeIAdapter Returns elements in the specified range from the collection.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
Public Extension MethodIndexOfIAdapter Returns the index of the first element of the sequence that satisfies a condition or -1 if no such element is found.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
Public Extension MethodInputMeasurementKeys Returns the MeasurementKey values of the IAdapter input measurements.
(Defined by IAdapterExtensions)
Public Extension MethodInputMeasurementKeysIAdapter Gets a distinct list of input measurement keys for all of the provided adapters.
(Defined by IAdapterExtensions)
Public Extension MethodLoadDelimitedStringIAdapterAppends items parsed from delimited string, created with ToDelimitedString, using the default delimiter ("|") into the given list.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
Public Extension MethodLoadDelimitedStringIAdapterAppends items parsed from delimited string, created with ToDelimitedString, into the given list.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
Public Extension MethodLoadDelimitedStringIAdapterAppends items parsed from delimited string, created with ToDelimitedString, into the given list.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
Public Extension MethodLookupDevice Lookups up associated device name from provided signalID.
(Defined by IndependentAdapterManagerExtensions)
Public Extension MethodLookupDevice Looks up associated device acronym and ID from provided signalID.
(Defined by MetadataHelpers)
Public Extension MethodLookupMeasurementKey Looks up or creates measurement key based on provided signalID.
(Defined by MetadataHelpers)
Public Extension MethodLookupPhasorLabel Lookups up associated phasor label from provided signalID.
(Defined by IndependentAdapterManagerExtensions)
Public Extension MethodLookupPointTag Lookups up point tag name from provided signalID.
(Defined by IndependentAdapterManagerExtensions)
Public Extension MethodLookupPointTag Looks up point tag name from provided signalID.
(Defined by MetadataHelpers)
Public Extension MethodLookupSignalReference Looks up signal reference from provided signalID.
(Defined by MetadataHelpers)
Public Extension MethodMajorityIAdapter Returns the majority value in the collection, or default type value if no item represents the majority.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
Public Extension MethodMajorityIAdapter Returns the majority value in the collection, or defaultValue if no item represents the majority.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
Public Extension MethodMajorityByIAdapter, TKey Returns the majority value in the collection, or default type value if no item represents the majority.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
Public Extension MethodMajorityByIAdapter, TKey Returns the majority value in the collection, or defaultValue if no item represents the majority.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
Public Extension MethodMaxIAdapterReturns the largest item from the enumeration.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
Public Extension MethodMaxIAdapterReturns the largest item from the enumeration.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
Public Extension MethodMaxByIAdapter, TKeySelects the largest item from the enumeration.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
Public Extension MethodMedianIAdapter Gets the median item(s) from an enumeration, i.e., one return item for odd lengths, two for even lengths.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
Public Extension MethodMiddleIAdapter Gets the middle item(s) from an enumeration, i.e., one return item for odd lengths, two for even lengths.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
Public Extension MethodMinIAdapterReturns the smallest item from the enumeration.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
Public Extension MethodMinIAdapterReturns the smallest item from the enumeration.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
Public Extension MethodMinByIAdapter, TKeySelects the smallest item from the enumeration.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
Public Extension MethodMinorityIAdapter Returns the minority value in the collection, or default type value if no item represents the minority.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
Public Extension MethodMinorityIAdapter Returns the minority value in the collection, or defaultValue if no item represents the minority.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
Public Extension MethodMinorityByIAdapter, TKey Returns the minority value in the collection, or default type value if no item represents the majority.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
Public Extension MethodMinorityByIAdapter, TKey Returns the minority value in the collection, or defaultValue if no item represents the majority.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
Public Extension MethodOnConfigurationChanged Notifies host system of configuration changes.
(Defined by MetadataHelpers)
Public Extension MethodOutputMeasurementKeys Returns the MeasurementKey values of the IAdapter output measurements.
(Defined by IAdapterExtensions)
Public Extension MethodOutputMeasurementKeysIAdapter Gets a distinct list of output measurement keys for all of the provided adapters.
(Defined by IAdapterExtensions)
Public Extension MethodPointTagExists Determines if pointTag exists in local configuration.
(Defined by MetadataHelpers)
Public Extension MethodScrambleIAdapter Rearranges all the elements in the list into a highly-random order.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
Public Extension MethodScrambleIAdapter Rearranges all the elements in the list into a repeatable pseudo-random order.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
Public Extension MethodSignalIDExists Determines if signalID exists in local configuration.
(Defined by IndependentAdapterManagerExtensions)
Public Extension MethodSignalIDExists Determines if signalID exists in local configuration.
(Defined by MetadataHelpers)
Public Extension MethodSignalReferenceExists Determines if signalReference exists in local configuration.
(Defined by MetadataHelpers)
Public Extension MethodStandardDeviationIAdapter Computes the standard deviation over a sequence of Double values.
(Defined by NumericalAnalysisExtensions)
Public Extension MethodStandardDeviationIAdapter Computes the standard deviation over a sequence of Decimal values.
(Defined by NumericalAnalysisExtensions)
Public Extension MethodStandardDeviationIAdapter Computes the standard deviation over a sequence of Single values.
(Defined by NumericalAnalysisExtensions)
Public Extension MethodTemporalConstraintIsDefined Returns true if IAdapter has a temporal constraint defined, i.e., either StartTimeConstraint or StopTimeConstraint is not set to its default value.
(Defined by IAdapterExtensions)
Public Extension MethodToDelimitedStringIAdapterConverts an enumeration to a string, using the default delimiter ("|") that can later be converted back to a list using LoadDelimitedString.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
Public Extension MethodToDelimitedStringIAdapterConverts an enumeration to a string that can later be converted back to a list using LoadDelimitedString.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
Public Extension MethodToDelimitedStringIAdapterConverts an enumeration to a string that can later be converted back to a list using LoadDelimitedString.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
Public Extension MethodToPagedListIAdapter Gets a PagedListT to paginate source enumeration for a given page and specified pageSize.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
Public Extension MethodUnscrambleIAdapter Rearranges all the elements in the list previously scrambled with ScrambleTSource(IListTSource, Int32) back into their original order.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
Public Extension MethodUpdateRangeIAdapter Updates collection starting at the index with the specified items.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
Public Extension MethodWaitForSignalsToLoad Waits for signalIDs to be loaded in system configuration.
(Defined by IndependentAdapterManagerExtensions)
Public Extension MethodWaitForSignalsToLoad Waits for signalIDs to be loaded in system configuration.
(Defined by MetadataHelpers)
See Also