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IOutputAdapter Interface

Represents that abstract interface for any outgoing adapter.

Namespace: GSF.TimeSeries.Adapters
Assembly: GSF.TimeSeries (in GSF.TimeSeries.dll) Version: 2.4.232-beta
public interface IOutputAdapter : IAdapter, 
	ISupportLifecycle, IDisposable, IProvideStatus

The IOutputAdapter type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAutoStart Gets or sets flag indicating if adapter should automatically start or connect on demand.
(Inherited from IAdapter)
Public propertyConnectionInfo Gets connection info for adapter, if any.
(Inherited from IAdapter)
Public propertyConnectionString Gets or sets key/value pair connection information specific to IAdapter.
(Inherited from IAdapter)
Public propertyDataSource Gets or sets DataSet based data source available to IAdapter.
(Inherited from IAdapter)
Public propertyEnabled Gets or sets a boolean value that indicates whether the object is enabled.
(Inherited from ISupportLifecycle)
Public propertyID Gets or sets the numeric ID associated with this IAdapter.
(Inherited from IAdapter)
Public propertyInitializationTimeout Gets or sets maximum time system will wait during Start for initialization.
(Inherited from IAdapter)
Public propertyInitialized Gets or sets flag indicating if the adapter has been initialized successfully.
(Inherited from IAdapter)
Public propertyInputMeasurementKeys Gets or sets primary keys of input measurements the adapter expects.
(Inherited from IAdapter)
Public propertyInputSourceIDs Gets or sets Source values used to filter input measurements.
Public propertyIsDisposed Gets a flag that indicates whether the object has been disposed.
(Inherited from ISupportLifecycle)
Public propertyName Gets or sets name of this IAdapter.
(Inherited from IAdapter)
Public propertyOutputIsForArchive Returns a flag that determines if measurements sent to this IOutputAdapter are destined for archival.
Public propertyOutputMeasurements Gets or sets output measurements that the adapter will produce, if any.
(Inherited from IAdapter)
Public propertyProcessedMeasurements Gets the total number of measurements processed thus far by the IAdapter.
(Inherited from IAdapter)
Public propertyProcessingInterval Gets or sets the desired processing interval, in milliseconds, for the adapter.
(Inherited from IAdapter)
Public propertyRequestedInputMeasurementKeys Gets or sets input measurement keys that are requested by other adapters based on what adapter says it can provide.
Public propertySettings Gets settings DictionaryTKey, TValue parsed when ConnectionString was assigned.
(Inherited from IAdapter)
Public propertyStartTimeConstraint Gets the start time temporal processing constraint defined by call to SetTemporalConstraint(String, String, String).
(Inherited from IAdapter)
Public propertyStatus Gets the current status details about object providing status information.
(Inherited from IProvideStatus)
Public propertyStopTimeConstraint Gets the stop time temporal processing constraint defined by call to SetTemporalConstraint(String, String, String).
(Inherited from IAdapter)
Public propertySupportsTemporalProcessing Gets the flag indicating if this adapter supports temporal processing.
(Inherited from IAdapter)
Public methodDisposePerforms application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
(Inherited from IDisposable)
Public methodGetShortStatus Gets a short one-line adapter status.
(Inherited from IAdapter)
Public methodInitialize Initializes the state of the object.
(Inherited from ISupportLifecycle)
Public methodQueueMeasurementsForProcessing Queues measurements for processing. Measurements are automatically filtered to the defined InputMeasurementKeys.
Public methodRemoveMeasurements Implementations of this function should remove a range of measurements from the internal measurement queue.
Public methodSetTemporalConstraint Defines a temporal processing constraint for the adapter.
(Inherited from IAdapter)
Public methodStart Starts the adapter, if it is not already running.
(Inherited from IAdapter)
Public methodStop Stops the adapter.
(Inherited from IAdapter)
Public eventConfigurationChanged Event is raised when adapter is aware of a configuration change.
(Inherited from IAdapter)
Public eventDisposed Raised after the source object has been properly disposed.
(Inherited from ISupportLifecycle)
Public eventInputMeasurementKeysUpdated Event is raised when InputMeasurementKeys are updated.
(Inherited from IAdapter)
Public eventOutputMeasurementsUpdated Event is raised when OutputMeasurements are updated.
(Inherited from IAdapter)
Public eventProcessException Event is raised when there is an exception encountered while processing.
(Inherited from IAdapter)
Public eventStatusMessage Provides status messages to consumer.
(Inherited from IAdapter)
Public eventUnprocessedMeasurements Event is raised every five seconds allowing host to track total number of unprocessed measurements.
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodGetMeasurementRecord Gets measurement record, creating it if needed.
(Defined by MetadataHelpers)
Public Extension MethodGetParentDevice Gets ID of parent device, creating or updating record if needed, for the current IAdapter instance.
(Defined by MetadataHelpers)
Public Extension MethodInputMeasurementKeys Returns the MeasurementKey values of the IAdapter input measurements.
(Defined by IAdapterExtensions)
Public Extension MethodLookupDevice Looks up associated device acronym and ID from provided signalID.
(Defined by MetadataHelpers)
Public Extension MethodLookupMeasurementKey Looks up or creates measurement key based on provided signalID.
(Defined by MetadataHelpers)
Public Extension MethodLookupPointTag Looks up point tag name from provided signalID.
(Defined by MetadataHelpers)
Public Extension MethodLookupSignalReference Looks up signal reference from provided signalID.
(Defined by MetadataHelpers)
Public Extension MethodOnConfigurationChanged Notifies host system of configuration changes.
(Defined by MetadataHelpers)
Public Extension MethodOutputMeasurementKeys Returns the MeasurementKey values of the IAdapter output measurements.
(Defined by IAdapterExtensions)
Public Extension MethodPointTagExists Determines if pointTag exists in local configuration.
(Defined by MetadataHelpers)
Public Extension MethodSignalIDExists Determines if signalID exists in local configuration.
(Defined by MetadataHelpers)
Public Extension MethodSignalReferenceExists Determines if signalReference exists in local configuration.
(Defined by MetadataHelpers)
Public Extension MethodTemporalConstraintIsDefined Returns true if IAdapter has a temporal constraint defined, i.e., either StartTimeConstraint or StopTimeConstraint is not set to its default value.
(Defined by IAdapterExtensions)
Public Extension MethodWaitForSignalsToLoad Waits for signalIDs to be loaded in system configuration.
(Defined by MetadataHelpers)
See Also