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MetadataHelpers Class

Represents functionality to manage device and measurement metadata for adapters.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: GSF.TimeSeries.Adapters
Assembly: GSF.TimeSeries (in GSF.TimeSeries.dll) Version: 2.4.191-beta
public static class MetadataHelpers
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The MetadataHelpers type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberElapsedWaitTimeString Gets string representation of elapsed wait time for configurationReloadWaitTimeout and configurationReloadWaitAttempts.
Public Extension MethodGetMeasurementRecord Gets measurement record, creating it if needed.
Public Extension MethodGetParentDevice Gets ID of parent device, creating or updating record if needed, for the current IAdapter instance.
Public Extension MethodLookupDevice Looks up associated device acronym and ID from provided signalID.
Public Extension MethodLookupMeasurementKey Looks up or creates measurement key based on provided signalID.
Public Extension MethodLookupPointTag Looks up point tag name from provided signalID.
Public Extension MethodLookupSignalReference Looks up signal reference from provided signalID.
Public Extension MethodOnConfigurationChanged Notifies host system of configuration changes.
Public Extension MethodPointTagExists Determines if pointTag exists in local configuration.
Public Extension MethodSignalIDExists Determines if signalID exists in local configuration.
Public Extension MethodSignalReferenceExists Determines if signalReference exists in local configuration.
Public Extension MethodWaitForSignalsToLoad Waits for signalIDs to be loaded in system configuration.
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultConfigurationReloadWaitAttempts Defines the default value for the configuration reload wait attempts.
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultConfigurationReloadWaitTimeout Defines the default value for the configuration reload wait timeout.
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultMeasurementTable Defines the default measurement table name.
See Also