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SignalType Enumeration

Fundamental signal type enumeration for common EE measurements that represents an explicit type of signal.

Namespace: GSF.Units.EE
Assembly: GSF.Core (in GSF.Core.dll) Version: 2.4.191-beta+925724bd48239ba1d4417fe63f8c4977892ab734
public enum SignalType
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Member nameValueDescription
IPHM1 Current phase magnitude.
IPHA2 Current phase angle.
VPHM3 Voltage phase magnitude.
VPHA4 Voltage phase angle.
FREQ5 Frequency.
DFDT6 Frequency delta (dF/dt).
ALOG7 Analog value.
FLAG8 Status flags.
DIGI9 Digital values.
NONE-1 Undefined signal.
CALC10 Calculated value.
STAT11 Statistical value.
ALRM12 Alarm value.
QUAL13 Quality flags.

This enumeration represents the explicit type of a signal that a value represents.

Contrast this to the SignalKind enumeration which only defines an abstract type for a signal (e.g., simply a phase or an angle).

See Also