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SignalKind Enumeration

Fundamental signal type enumeration for common EE measurements that represents a kind of signal, not an explicit type.

Namespace: GSF.Units.EE
Assembly: GSF.Core (in GSF.Core.dll) Version: 2.4.232-beta+203aa83a5a82d50f387e69875549969ad138d6e0
public enum SignalKind
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Member nameValueDescription
Angle0 Phase angle.
Magnitude1 Phase magnitude.
Frequency2 Line frequency.
DfDt3 Frequency delta over time (dF/dt).
Status4 Status flags.
Digital5 Digital value.
Analog6 Analog value.
Calculation7 Calculated value.
Statistic8 Statistical value.
Alarm9 Alarm value.
Quality10 Quality flags.
Unknown11 Undetermined signal type.

This enumeration represents the basic type of a signal used to suffix a formatted signal reference. When used in context along with an optional index the fundamental signal type will identify a signal's location within a frame of data (see SignalReference).

Contrast this to the SignalType enumeration which further defines an explicit type for a signal (e.g., a voltage or current type for an angle).

See Also