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QuantityUnits Enumeration

Units of data defined in a PQDIF file.

Namespace: GSF.PQDIF.Logical
Assembly: GSF.PQDIF (in GSF.PQDIF.dll) Version: 2.4.232-beta
public enum QuantityUnits
Member nameValueDescription
None0 Unitless.
Timestamp1 Absolute time. Each timestamp in the series must be in absolute time using the Timestamp type.
Seconds2 Seconds relative to the start time of an observation.
Cycles3 Cycles relative to the start time of an observation.
Volts6 Volts.
Amps7 Amperes.
VoltAmps8 Volt-amperes.
Watts9 Watts.
Vars10 Volt-amperes reactive.
Ohms11 Ohms.
Siemens12 Siemens.
VoltsPerAmp13 Volts per ampere.
Joules14 Joules.
Hertz15 Hertz.
Celcius16 Celcius.
Degrees17 Degrees of arc.
Decibels18 Decibels.
Percent19 Percent.
PerUnit20 Per-unit.
Samples21 Number of counts or samples.
VarHours22 Energy in var-hours.
WattHours23 Energy in watt-hours.
VoltAmpHours24 Energy in VA-hours.
MetersPerSecond25 Meters/second.
MilesPerHour26 Miles/hour.
Bars27 Pressure in bars.
Pascals28 Pressure in pascals.
Newtons29 Force in newtons.
NewtonMeters30 Torque in newton-meters.
RevolutionsPerMinute31 Revolutions/minute.
RadiansPerSecond32 Radians/second.
Meters33 Meters.
WeberTurns34 Flux linkage in Weber Turns.
Teslas35 Flux density in teslas.
Webers36 Magnetic field in webers.
VoltsPerVolt37 Volts/volt transfer function.
AmpsPerAmp38 Amps/amp transfer function.
AmpsPerVolt39 Impedance transfer function.
See Also