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DataSourceType Class

Types of data sources.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: GSF.PQDIF.Logical
Assembly: GSF.PQDIF (in GSF.PQDIF.dll) Version: 2.4.191-beta
public static class DataSourceType
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The DataSourceType type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberGetInfo Gets information about the data source type identified by the given ID.
Public methodStatic memberToString Converts the given data source type ID to a string containing the name of the data source type.
Public fieldStatic memberBenchmark The ID for data source type Benchmark.
Public fieldStatic memberDebug The ID for data source type Debug.
Public fieldStatic memberManual The ID for data source type Manual.
Public fieldStatic memberMeasure The ID for data source type Measure.
Public fieldStatic memberSimulate The ID for data source type Simulate.
See Also