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Phase Enumeration

Phase types.

Namespace: GSF.PQDIF.Logical
Assembly: GSF.PQDIF (in GSF.PQDIF.dll) Version: 2.4.232-beta
public enum Phase
Member nameValueDescription
None0 Phase is not applicable.
AN1 A-to-neutral.
BN2 B-to-neutral.
CN3 C-to-neutral.
NG4 Neutral-to-ground.
AB5 A-to-B.
BC6 B-to-C.
CA7 C-to-A.
Residual8 Residual - the vector or point-on-wave sum of Phases A, B, and C. Should be zero in a perfectly balanced system.
Net9 Net - the vector or point-on-wave sum of Phases A, B, C and the Neutral phase. Should be zero in a 4-wire system with no earth return path.
PositiveSequence10 Positive sequence.
NegativeSequence11 Negative sequence.
ZeroSequence12 Zero sequence.
Total13 The value representing a total or other summarizing value in a multi-phase system.
LineToNeutralAverage14 The value representing average of 3 line-neutral values.
LineToLineAverage15 The value representing average of 3 line-line values.
Worst16 The value representing the "worst" of the 3 phases.
Plus17 DC Positive.
Minus18 DC Negative.
General119 Generic Phase 1.
General220 Generic Phase 2.
General321 Generic Phase 3.
General422 Generic Phase 4.
General523 Generic Phase 5.
General624 Generic Phase 6.
General725 Generic Phase 7.
General826 Generic Phase 8.
General927 Generic Phase 9.
General1028 Generic Phase 10.
General1129 Generic Phase 11.
General1230 Generic Phase 12.
General1331 Generic Phase 13.
General1432 Generic Phase 14.
General1533 Generic Phase 15.
General1634 Generic Phase 16.
See Also