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Equipment Class

Power quality equipment and software.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: GSF.PQDIF.Logical
Assembly: GSF.PQDIF (in GSF.PQDIF.dll) Version: 2.4.232-beta
public static class Equipment
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The Equipment type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberGetInfo Gets information about the equipment identified by the given ID.
Public methodStatic memberToString Converts the given equpiment ID to a string containing the name of the equipment.
Public fieldStatic memberAcumentricsControl The ID of the Acumentrics Control device.
Public fieldStatic memberAdvanTechADAM4017 The ID of the AdvanTech ADAM 4017 device.
Public fieldStatic memberAdvanTechADAM4018 The ID of the AdvanTech ADAM 4018 device.
Public fieldStatic memberAdvanTechADAM4018M The ID of the AdvanTech ADAM 4018M device.
Public fieldStatic memberAdvanTechADAM4050 The ID of the AdvanTech ADAM 4050 device.
Public fieldStatic memberAdvanTechADAM4052 The ID of the AdvanTech ADAM 4052 device.
Public fieldStatic memberAdvanTechADAM4053 The ID of the AdvanTech ADAM 4053 device.
Public fieldStatic memberAdvanTechADAM4080 The ID of the AdvanTech ADAM 4080 device.
Public fieldStatic memberAdvanTechADAM5017 The ID of the AdvanTech ADAM 5017 device.
Public fieldStatic memberAdvanTechADAM5018 The ID of the AdvanTech ADAM 5018 device.
Public fieldStatic memberAdvanTechADAM5050 The ID of the AdvanTech ADAM 5050 device.
Public fieldStatic memberAdvanTechADAM5051 The ID of the AdvanTech ADAM 5051 device.
Public fieldStatic memberAdvanTechADAM5052 The ID of the AdvanTech ADAM 5052 device.
Public fieldStatic memberAdvanTechADAM5080 The ID of the AdvanTech ADAM 5080 device.
Public fieldStatic memberBMI3100 The ID of the BMI 3100 device.
Public fieldStatic memberBMI7100 The ID of the BMI 7100 device.
Public fieldStatic memberBMI8010 The ID of the BMI 7100 device.
Public fieldStatic memberBMI8020 The ID of the BMI 7100 device.
Public fieldStatic memberBMI8800 The ID of the BMI 8800 device.
Public fieldStatic memberBMI9010 The ID of the BMI 7100 device.
Public fieldStatic memberCooperVFlicker The ID of the Cooper V-Flicker device.
Public fieldStatic memberCooperVHarm The ID of the Cooper V-Harm device.
Public fieldStatic memberDCGEMTP The ID of the DCG EMTP device.
Public fieldStatic memberDranetz656 The ID of the Dranetz 656 device.
Public fieldStatic memberDranetz658 The ID of the Dranetz 658 device.
Public fieldStatic memberDranetz8000 The ID of the Dranetz 8000 device.
Public fieldStatic memberELCOMBK550 The ID of the ELCOM BK 550 device.
Public fieldStatic memberETKDSS The ID of ETK DSS.
Public fieldStatic memberETKHarmoni The ID of Electrotek Harmoni.
Public fieldStatic memberETKNodeCenter The ID of Electrotek Node Center.
Public fieldStatic memberETKPASS The ID of Electrotek PASS.
Public fieldStatic memberETKPQDIFEditor The ID of the Electrotek PQDIF editor.
Public fieldStatic memberETKPQView The ID of Electrotek PQView.
Public fieldStatic memberETKPQWeb The ID of Electrotek PQWeb.
Public fieldStatic memberETKSuperHarm The ID of Electrotek Super-Harm.
Public fieldStatic memberETKSuperTran The ID of Electrotek Super-Tran.
Public fieldStatic memberETKTestProgram The ID of the Electrotek test program.
Public fieldStatic memberETKTextPQDIF The ID of Electrotek Text PQDIF.
Public fieldStatic memberETKTOP The ID of Electrotek TOP.
Public fieldStatic memberEWON4000 The ID of the EWON 4000 device.
Public fieldStatic memberFlukeCUR The ID of the Fluke CUR device.
Public fieldStatic memberFlukeF41 The ID of the Fluke F41 device.
Public fieldStatic memberGEKV The ID of the GE kV Energy Meter.
Public fieldStatic memberGEKV2 The ID of the GE kV2 Energy Meter.
Public fieldStatic memberIEEECOMTRADE The ID of IEEE COMTRADE.
Public fieldStatic memberLEMAnalyst1Q The ID of the LEM Analyst 1Q device.
Public fieldStatic memberLEMAnalyst2050 The ID of the LEM Analyst 2050 device.
Public fieldStatic memberLEMAnalyst2060 The ID of the LEM Analyst 2060 device.
Public fieldStatic memberLEMAnalyst3Q The ID of the LEM Analyst 3Q device.
Public fieldStatic memberLEMBEN5000 The ID of the LEM BEN 5000 device.
Public fieldStatic memberLEMBEN6000 The ID of the LEM BEN 6000 device.
Public fieldStatic memberLEMEWave The ID of the LEM EWave device.
Public fieldStatic memberLEMEWON4000 The ID of the LEM EWON 4000 device.
Public fieldStatic memberLEMMBX300 The ID of the LEM MBX 300 device.
Public fieldStatic memberLEMMBX601 The ID of the LEM MBX 601 device.
Public fieldStatic memberLEMMBX602 The ID of the LEM MBX 602 device.
Public fieldStatic memberLEMMBX603 The ID of the LEM MBX 603 device.
Public fieldStatic memberLEMMBX686 The ID of the LEM MBX 686 device.
Public fieldStatic memberLEMMBX800 The ID of the LEM MBX 800 device.
Public fieldStatic memberLEMMidget200 The ID of the LEM Midget 200 device.
Public fieldStatic memberLEMPerma701 The ID of the LEM Perma 701 device.
Public fieldStatic memberLEMPerma702 The ID of the LEM Perma 702 device.
Public fieldStatic memberLEMPerma705 The ID of the LEM Perma 705 device.
Public fieldStatic memberLEMPerma706 The ID of the LEM Perma 706 device.
Public fieldStatic memberLEMQWaveLight The ID of the LEM QWave Light device.
Public fieldStatic memberLEMQWaveMicro The ID of the LEM QWave Micro device.
Public fieldStatic memberLEMQWaveNomad The ID of the LEM QWave Nomad device.
Public fieldStatic memberLEMQWavePowerDistribution The ID of the LEM QWave Power Distribution device.
Public fieldStatic memberLEMQWavePowerTransport The ID of the LEM QWave Power Transport device.
Public fieldStatic memberLEMQWavePremium The ID of the LEM QWave Premium device.
Public fieldStatic memberLEMQWaveTWin The ID of the LEM QWave TWin device.
Public fieldStatic memberLEMTOPAS1000 The ID of the LEM TOPAS 1000 device.
Public fieldStatic memberLEMTOPAS1019 The ID of the LEM TOPAS 1019 device.
Public fieldStatic memberLEMTOPAS1020 The ID of the LEM TOPAS 1020 device.
Public fieldStatic memberLEMTOPAS1040 The ID of the LEM TOPAS 1040 device.
Public fieldStatic memberLEMTOPASLT The ID of the LEM TOPAS LT device.
Public fieldStatic memberMedcal The ID of the Medcal device.
Public fieldStatic memberMetOneELT15 The ID of the Met One ELT15 device.
Public fieldStatic memberMetrosonicM1 The ID of the Metrosonic M1 device.
Public fieldStatic memberPMIScanner The ID of the PMI scanner.
Public fieldStatic memberPML3710 The ID of the PML 3710 device.
Public fieldStatic memberPML3720 The ID of the PML 3720 device.
Public fieldStatic memberPML3800 The ID of the PML 3800 device.
Public fieldStatic memberPML7300 The ID of the PML 7300 device.
Public fieldStatic memberPML7700 The ID of the PML 7700 device.
Public fieldStatic memberPMLLogServer The ID of the PML Log Server.
Public fieldStatic memberPMLVIP The ID of the PML VIP device.
Public fieldStatic memberPublicATP The ID of public ATP.
Public fieldStatic memberQualimetre The ID of the Qualimetre device.
Public fieldStatic memberQWaveLight The ID of the QWave Light device.
Public fieldStatic memberQWaveMicro The ID of the QWave Micro device.
Public fieldStatic memberQWaveNomad The ID of the QWave Nomad device.
Public fieldStatic memberQWavePowerDistribution The ID of the QWave Power Distribution device.
Public fieldStatic memberQWavePowerTransmission The ID of the QWave Power Transmission device.
Public fieldStatic memberQWavePremium The ID of the QWave Premium device.
Public fieldStatic memberQWaveTWin The ID of the QWave TWin device.
Public fieldStatic memberSQDSMS The ID of the Square D PowerLogic SMS device.
Public fieldStatic memberTelogM1 The ID of the Telog M1 device.
Public fieldStatic memberTrinergiPQM The ID of the Trinergi Power Quality Meter.
Public fieldStatic memberWPT5510 The ID of the LEM WPT 5510 device.
Public fieldStatic memberWPT5520 The ID of the LEM WPT 5520 device.
Public fieldStatic memberWPT5530 The ID of the WPT 5530 device.
Public fieldStatic memberWPT5530T The ID of the LEM WPT 5530T device.
Public fieldStatic memberWPT5540 The ID of the WPT 5540 device.
Public fieldStatic memberWPT5560 The ID of the LEM WPT 5560 device.
Public fieldStatic memberWPT5590 The ID of the LEM WPT 5590 device.
Public fieldStatic memberWPTDranView The ID of WPT Dran View.
See Also