| Name | Description |
  | AngleFund |
Value of the power angle at fundamental frequency.
Transformer derating factor.
  | ArithSum |
Arithmetic sum.
  | AvgImbal |
Imbalance by max deviation from average.
  | CrestFactor |
Crest factor.
  | DAxis |
D axis components.
  | DAxisField |
D axis components.
  | DF |
Displacement factor - Cosine of the phase angle between fundamental frequency voltage and current phasors.
  | DFArith |
Displacement factor - IEEE arithmetic calculations.
  | DFCoSDemand |
Value of displacement power factor coincident with apparent power demand.
  | DFDemand |
Value of displacement power factor for a demand interval.
  | DFVector |
Displacement factor - IEEE vector calculations.
  | EvenTHD |
Even harmonic distortion (%).
  | EvenTHDRMS |
Even THD normalized to RMS.
  | FlkrFreqMax |
Frequence of maximum flicker harmonic.
  | FlkrMagAvg |
Flicker average RMS value.
  | FlkrMagMax |
Magnitude of maximum flicker harmonic.
  | FlkrMaxDVV |
dV/V base.
  | FlkrPiLPF |
  | FlkrPiMax |
Pi max.
  | FlkrPiRoot |
Pi root.
  | FlkrPiRootLPF |
Pi root LPF.
  | FlkrPLT |
Long term flicker.
  | FlkrPLTSlide |
Sliding PLT.
  | FlkrPST |
Short term flicker.
  | FlkrSpectrum |
Flicker spectrum VRMS(F).
  | FlkrWgtAvg |
Spectrum weighted average.
  | FormFactor |
Form factor.
  | Frequency |
  | HRMS |
Harmonic RMS.
  | IHRMS |
Interharmonic RMS.
  | Instantaneous |
Instantaneous f(t).
  | IT |
  | KFactor |
Transformer K factor.
  | Linear |
Linear position.
  | None |
No quantity characteristic.
  | OddTHD |
Odd harmonic distortion (%).
  | OddTHDRMS |
Odd THD normalized to RMS.
  | P |
Real power (watts).
  | PCoQDemand |
Value of active power coincident with reactive power demand.
  | PCoSDemand |
Value of active power coincident with apparent power demand.
  | PDemand |
Value of active power for a demand interval.
  | Peak |
Peak value.
  | PF |
True power factor - (Vrms * Irms) / P.
  | PFArith |
True power factor - IEEE arithmetic calculations.
  | PFCoPDemand |
Value of true power factor coincident with active power demand.
  | PFCoQDemand |
Value of true power factor coincident with reactive power demand.
  | PFCoSDemand |
Value of true power factor coincident with apparent power demand.
  | PFDemand |
Value of true power factor for a demand interval.
  | PFund |
Value of fundamental frequency real power.
  | PFVector |
True power factor - IEEE vector calculations.
  | PHarmonic |
Net harmonic active power.
  | PHarmonicUnsigned |
Arithmetic sum harmonic active power.
  | PIntg |
Value of active power integrated over time (Energy - watt-hours).
  | PIntgNeg |
Value of active power integrated over time (Energy - watt-hours) in the negative direction (away from load).
  | PIntgNegFund |
Value of active fundamental frequency power integrated over time
(Energy - watt-hours) in the negative direction (away from load).
  | PIntgPos |
Value of active power integrated over time (Energy - watt-hours) in the positive direction (toward load).
  | PIntgPosFund |
Value of active fundamental frequency power integrated over time
(Energy - watt-hours) in the positive direction (toward load).
  | PIVLIntg |
Value of active power integrated over time (Energy - watt-hours).
  | PIVLIntgNeg |
Value of active power integrated over time (Energy - watt-hours) in the negative direction (away from load).
  | PIVLIntgNegFund |
Value of active fundamental frequency power integrated over time
(Energy - watt-hours) in the negative direction (away from load).
  | PIVLIntgPos |
Value of active power integrated over time (Energy - watt-hours) in the positive direction (toward load).
  | PIVLIntgPosFund |
Value of active fundamental frequency power integrated over time
(Energy - watt-hours) in the positive direction (toward load).
  | PPeakDemand |
Peak active power demand.
  | PPredDemand |
Predicted value of active power for current demand interval.
  | Q |
Reactive power (VAR).
  | QAxis |
Q axis components.
  | QCoPDemand |
Value of reactive power coincident with active power demand.
  | QCoSDemand |
Value of reactive power coincident with apparent power demand.
  | QDemand |
Value of reactive power for a demand interval.
  | QFund |
Value of the reactive power at fundamental frequency.
  | QIntg |
Value of reactive power integrated over time (var-hours).
  | QIntgNeg |
Value of reactive power integrated over time (Energy - watt-hours) in the negative direction (away from load).
  | QIntgNegFund |
Value of fundamental frequency reactive power integrated over time
(Energy - watt-hours) in the negative direction (away from load).
  | QIntgPos |
Value of reactive power integrated over time (Energy - watt-hours) in the positive direction (toward load).
  | QIntgPosFund |
Value of fundamental frequency reactive power integrated over time
(Energy - watt-hours) in the positive direction (toward load).
  | QIVLIntg |
Value of reactive power integrated over time (var-hours).
  | QIVLIntgNeg |
Value of reactive power integrated over time (Energy - watt-hours) in the negative direction (away from load).
  | QIVLIntgNegFund |
Value of fundamental frequency reactive power integrated over time
(Energy - watt-hours) in the negative direction (away from load).
  | QIVLIntgPos |
Value of reactive power integrated over time (Energy - watt-hours) in the positive direction (toward load).
  | QIVLIntgPosFund |
Value of fundamental frequency reactive power integrated over time
(Energy - watt-hours) in the positive direction (toward load).
  | QPeakDemand |
Peak reactive power demand.
  | QPredDemand |
Predicted value of reactive power for current demand interval.
  | RMS |
RMS value.
  | RMSDemand |
RMS value of current for a demand interval.
  | RMSPeakDemand |
Peak demand current.
  | Rotational |
Rotational position.
  | S |
Apparent power (VA).
  | S0S1 |
Zero sequence component unbalance (%).
  | S2S1 |
Negative sequence component unbalance (%).
  | SArith |
Value of apparent power - IEEE arithmetic calculations.
  | SArithFund |
Value of fundamental frequency apparent power - IEEE arithmetic calculations.
  | SCoPDemand |
Apparent power coincident with active power demand.
  | SCoQDemand |
Apparent power coincident with reactive power demand.
  | SDemand |
Value of apparent power for a demand interval.
  | SFund |
Value of fundamental frequency apparent power.
  | SIntg |
Value of apparent power integrated over time (VA-hours).
  | SIntgFund |
Value of fundamental frequency apparent power integrated over time (VA-hours).
  | SIVLIntg |
Value of apparent power integrated over time (VA-hours).
  | SIVLIntgFund |
Value of fundamental frequency apparent power integrated over time (VA-hours).
  | SNeg |
Negative sequence component.
  | SPeakDemand |
Peak apparent power demand.
  | Spectra |
Spectra F(F).
  | SpectraHGroup |
Spectra by harmonic group index.
  | SpectraIGroup |
Spectra by interharmonic group index.
  | SPos |
Positive sequence component.
  | SPredDemand |
Predicted value of apparent power for current demand interval.
  | Status |
Status data.
  | SVector |
Value of apparent power - IEEE vector calculations.
  | SVectorFund |
Value of fundamental frequency apparent power - IEEE vector calculations.
  | SZero |
Zero sequence component.
  | TDD |
Total demand distortion.
  | TID |
Total interharmonic distortion.
  | TIDRMS |
Total interharmonic distortion normalized to RMS.
  | TIF |
  | TIFRMS |
TIF normalized to RMS.
  | TotalTHD |
Total harmonic distortion (%).
  | TotalTHDRMS |
Total THD normalized to RMS.
  | TransferFunc |
Transfer function.