PQ Dashboard Users Group Meeting
May 2021
Users Group

The 5th Annual PQ Dashboard User's Group Meeting was held via WebEx on May 12, 2021.
The meeting focused on improvements made in the PQ Dashboard and other tools in GPA's suite of power quality and disturbance monitoring products over the past year. See the Meeting Agenda for details.
The presentation slides from the 2021 User's Group Meeting are available for download:
- Introduction and EPRI Plans Tom Cooke, EPRI
- TVA PQ Project Update Tony Murphy, TVA
- Using miMD for PRC-002 Compliance Phillip Crittenden, TVA
- GTC Fault Trance Tool & EDDC Project Lori Hartzog, GTC
- What's New in PQ at GPA? Russell Robertson, GPA
- TrenDAP Demonstration Billy Ernest, GPA
- EPRI TrenDAP Demo Project Tom Cooke, EPRI
- Cap Bank Analytic Improvements Gaurav Singh, EPRI & Tony Murphy, TVA
- EPRI SPC Tools Tom Cooke, EPRI
- openMIC Improvements Dr. Christoph Lackner, GPA