| Name | Description |
| Base64Decode |
Decodes a given base-64 encoded string encoded with Base64Encode(String).
| Base64Encode |
Encodes a string into a base-64 string.
| CenterText(String, Int32) |
Centers text within the specified maximum length, biased to the left.
Text will be padded to the left and right with spaces.
If value is greater than specified maximum length, value returned will be truncated from the right.
| CenterText(String, Int32, Char) |
Centers text within the specified maximum length, biased to the left.
Text will be padded to the left and right with specified padding character.
If value is greater than specified maximum length, value returned will be truncated from the right.
| CharCount |
Counts the total number of the occurrences of a character in the given string.
| ConvertToType(String, Type) |
Converts this string into the specified type.
| ConvertToType(String, Type, CultureInfo) |
Converts this string into the specified type.
| ConvertToTypeT(String) |
Converts this string into the specified type.
| ConvertToTypeT(String, CultureInfo) |
Converts this string into the specified type.
| EnsureEnd(String, Char) |
Ensures a string ends with a specific character.
| EnsureEnd(String, String) |
Ensures a string ends with a specific string.
| EnsureEnd(String, Char, Boolean) |
Ensures a string ends with a specific character.
| EnsureStart(String, Char) |
Ensures a string starts with a specific character.
| EnsureStart(String, String) |
Ensures a string starts with a specific string.
| EnsureStart(String, Char, Boolean) |
Ensures a string starts with a specific character.
| GetComparer |
Gets appropriate StringComparer for the specified StringComparison.
| GetSegments |
Turns source string into an array of string segments - each with a set maximum width - for parsing or displaying.
| IndexOfNot(String, Char, Int32) |
Finds the first index that does not match the given character.
| IndexOfNot(String, Char, Int32) |
Finds the first index that is NOT included in testChars
| IndexOfNot(String, FuncChar, Boolean, Int32) |
Finds the first index that does NOT pass the characterTestFunction delegate function.
| IndexOfPrevious(String, Char, Int32) |
Searches a string from right to left for the next instance of a specified character.
| IndexOfPrevious(String, FuncChar, Boolean, Int32) |
Searches a string from right to left for the next instance of a character passing the specified delegate.
| IndexOfPrevious(String, String, Int32, Boolean) |
Searches a string from right to left for the next instance of a specified string.
| IndexOfPreviousNot(String, Char, Int32) |
Searches a string from right to left for the next instance of a character that is not the specified character.
| IndexOfPreviousNot(String, Char, Int32) |
Searches a string from right to left for the next instance of a character that is not contained in the specified collection of characters.
| IndexOfPreviousNot(String, FuncChar, Boolean, Int32) |
Searches a string from right to left for the next instance of a character that does not pass the given delegate function.
| IndexOfRepeatedChar(String) |
Searches a string for an instance of a repeated character.
| IndexOfRepeatedChar(String, Char) |
Searches a string for a repeated instance of the specified characterToFind.
| IndexOfRepeatedChar(String, Int32) |
Searches a string for an instance of a repeated character from specified startIndex.
| IndexOfRepeatedChar(String, Char, Int32) |
Searches a string for a repeated instance of the specified characterToFind from specified startIndex.
| Interpolate(String, IEnumerableKeyValuePairString, Object) |
Applies string interpolation to the given format string at runtime.
| InterpolateT(String, T) |
Applies string interpolation to the given format string at runtime.
| IsAllDigits |
Tests to see if a string is contains only digits based on Char.IsDigit function.
| IsAllLetters(String) |
Tests to see if a string contains only letters.
| IsAllLetters(String, Boolean) |
Tests to see if a string contains only letters.
| IsAllLettersOrDigits(String) |
Tests to see if a string contains only letters or digits.
| IsAllLettersOrDigits(String, Boolean) |
Tests to see if a string contains only letters or digits.
| IsAllLower |
Tests to see if a string's letters are all lower case.
| IsAllNumbers |
Tests to see if a string contains only numbers based on Char.IsNumber function.
| IsAllUpper |
Tests to see if a string's letters are all upper case.
| IsNullOrWhiteSpace |
Test to see if the provided string is null or contains only whitespace characters.
| IsPlural |
Determines whether the specified word is plural.
| IsSingular |
Determines whether the specified word is singular.
| JoinKeyValuePairs |
Combines a dictionary of key-value pairs in to a string.
| NotEmpty(String) |
Ensures parameter is not an empty or null string. Returns a single space if test value is empty.
| NotEmpty(String, String) |
Ensures parameter is not an empty or null string.
| ParseBoolean |
Parses a string intended to represent a boolean value.
| ParseKeyValuePairs |
Parses key/value pair expressions from a string. Parameter pairs are delimited by keyValueDelimiter
and multiple pairs separated by parameterDelimiter. Supports encapsulated nested expressions.
| QuoteUnwrap(String, Char) |
Unwraps quotes similar to Excel. However, a little more predictable for unusual edge cases.
| QuoteUnwrap(String, Char) |
Unwraps quotes similar to Excel. However, a little more predictable for unusual edge cases.
| QuoteWrap |
Wraps value in the quoteChar.
| RegexDecode |
Decodes the specified Regular Expression character back into a standard Unicode character.
| RemoveCharacter |
Removes all characters matching the given characterToRemove.
| RemoveCharacters |
Removes all characters passing delegate test from a string.
| RemoveControlCharacters |
Removes all control characters from a string.
| RemoveCrLfs |
Removes all carriage returns and line feeds from a string.
| RemoveDuplicates |
Removes duplicate character strings (adjoining replication) in a string.
| RemoveDuplicateWhiteSpace(String) |
Replaces all repeating white space with a single space.
| RemoveDuplicateWhiteSpace(String, Char) |
Replaces all repeating white space with specified spacing character.
| RemoveInvalidFileNameCharacters |
Removes all invalid file name characters (\ / : * ? " < > |) from a string.
| RemoveLeadingString(String, Char, Boolean) |
Removes one or more instances of a specified char from the beginning of a string.
| RemoveLeadingString(String, String, Boolean) |
Removes one or more instances of a specified string from the beginning of a string.
| RemoveLeadingZeros |
Assures that numeric value is a well formed number
Adds a leading zero in front of a decimal, if present
| RemoveNull |
Removes the terminator ('\0') from a null terminated string.
| RemoveTrailingString(String, Char, Boolean) |
Removes one or more instances of a character from the end of a string
| RemoveTrailingString(String, String, Boolean) |
Removes one or more instances of a string from the end of a string
| RemoveWhiteSpace |
Removes all white space (as defined by IsWhiteSpace) from a string.
| ReplaceCaseInsensitive |
Performs a case insensitive string replacement.
| ReplaceCharacters |
Replaces all characters passing delegate test with specified replacement character.
| ReplaceControlCharacters(String) |
Replaces all control characters in a string with a single space.
| ReplaceControlCharacters(String, Char) |
Replaces all control characters in a string with specified replacement character.
| ReplaceCrLfs |
Replaces all carriage return and line feed characters (as well as CR/LF sequences) in a string with specified replacement character.
| ReplaceInvalidFileNameCharacters |
Replaces all invalid file name characters (\ / : * ? " < > |) in a string with the specified replacementCharacter.
| ReplaceWhiteSpace |
Replaces all white space characters (as defined by IsWhiteSpace) with specified replacement character.
| Reverse |
Reverses the order of the characters in a string.
| StringCount |
Counts the total number of the occurrences of string within a string
| SubstringEnd |
Returns a string consisting of a specified number of characters from the end of a string "to the left"
| SubstringPrevious |
Returns a string consisting of a specified number of characters to the left (previous chars) from the provided startIndex
| ToCamelCase |
Converts first letter of string to lower-case.
| ToPascalCase |
Converts first letter of string to upper-case.
| ToPlural |
Returns the plural form of the specified word.
| ToSecureString |
Converts the given string into a SecureString.
| ToSingular |
Returns the singular form of the specified word.
| ToStream |
Converts string into a stream using the specified encoding.
| ToStreamAsync |
Asynchronously converts string into a stream using the specified encoding.
| ToTitleCase |
Converts the provided string into title case (upper case first letter of each word).
| ToUnsecureString |
Converts the given SecureString into a String.
| TrimWithEllipsisEnd |
Places an ellipsis at the end of a string as it is trimmed to length specified.
| TrimWithEllipsisMiddle |
Places an ellipsis in the middle of a string as it is trimmed to length specified.
| TruncateLeft |
Truncates the provided string from the left if it is longer that specified length.
| TruncateRight |
Truncates the provided string from the right if it is longer that specified length.
| UriEncode |
Escapes string using URL encoding.