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Grid Solutions Framework

PhasorAddition Events

The PhasorAddition type exposes the following members.

  Name Description
Public event ConfigurationChanged Event is raised when adapter is aware of a configuration change.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public event DiscardingMeasurements This event is raised if there are any measurements being discarded during the sorting process.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public event Disposed This event is raised when ConcentratorBase is disposed.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public event InputMeasurementKeysUpdated Event is raised when InputMeasurementKeys are updated.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public event NewMeasurements Provides new measurements from action adapter.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public event OutputMeasurementsUpdated Event is raised when OutputMeasurements are updated.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public event ProcessException This event is raised if there is an exception encountered while attempting to process a frame in the sample queue.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public event StatusMessage Provides status messages to consumer.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public event UnpublishedSamples This event is raised every 5 seconds allowing consumer to track current number of unpublished seconds of data in the queue.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
See Also