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Grid Solutions Framework

PhasorAddition Properties

The PhasorAddition type exposes the following members.

  Name Description
Public property AllowPreemptivePublishing Gets or sets flag that allows system to preemptively publish frames assuming all ExpectedMeasurements have arrived.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public property AllowSortsByArrival Gets or sets flag that determines whether or not to allow incoming measurements with bad timestamps to be sorted by arrival time.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public property AutoStart Gets or sets flag indicating if adapter should automatically start or otherwise connect on demand.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public property AveragePublicationTimePerFrame Gets the average required frame publication time, in seconds.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public property ConfigurationSection Gets or sets the configuration section to use for this CalculatedMeasurementBase.
(Inherited from CalculatedMeasurementBase)
Public property ConnectionInfo Gets connection info for adapter, if any.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public property ConnectionString Gets or sets key/value pair connection information specific to action adapter.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public property DataSource Gets or sets DataSet based data source available to this ActionAdapterBase.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public property Difference Gets or sets flag that determines if the second phasor should be subtracted.
Public property DiscardedMeasurements Gets the total number of measurements that have been discarded because of old timestamps (i.e., measurements that were outside the time deviation tolerance from base time, past or future).
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public property DownsampledMeasurements Gets the total number of down-sampled measurements processed by the concentrator.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public property DownsamplingMethod Gets or sets the DownsamplingMethod to be used by the concentrator.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public property Enabled Gets or sets the current enabled state of concentrator.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public property ExpectedMeasurements Gets or sets the expected number of measurements to be assigned to a single frame.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public property FramesAheadOfSchedule Gets the total number of frames ahead of schedule processed by the concentrator.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public property FramesPerSecond Gets or sets the number of frames per second.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public property ID Gets or sets numeric ID associated with this action adapter.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public property IgnoreBadTimestamps Gets or sets flag that determines if bad timestamps (as determined by measurement's timestamp quality) should be ignored when sorting measurements.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public property InitializationTimeout Gets or sets maximum time system will wait during Start for initialization.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public property Initialized Gets or sets flag indicating if the action adapter has been initialized successfully.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public property InputMeasurementKeys Gets or sets primary keys of input measurements the calculated measurement expects.
(Inherited from CalculatedMeasurementBase)
Public property InputMeasurementKeyTypes Gets or sets input measurement SignalType's for each of the InputMeasurementKeys, if any.
(Inherited from CalculatedMeasurementBase)
Public property InputSourceIDs Gets or sets Source values used to filter input measurement keys.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public property IsDisposed Gets a flag that indicates whether the object has been disposed.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public property LagTicks Gets defined past time deviation tolerance, in ticks.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public property LagTime Gets or sets the allowed past time deviation tolerance, in seconds (can be sub-second).
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public property LastDiscardedMeasurement Gets a reference the last IMeasurement that was discarded by the concentrator.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public property LastDiscardedMeasurementLatency Gets the calculated latency of the last IMeasurement that was discarded by the concentrator.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public property LastFrame Gets reference to the last published IFrame.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public property LatestMeasurements Gets reference to the collection of absolute latest received measurement values.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public property LeadTime Gets or sets the allowed future time deviation tolerance, in seconds (can be sub-second).
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Protected property Log Log messages generated by an adapter.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public property MaximumPublicationTimeout Gets or sets the maximum frame publication timeout in milliseconds, set to Infinite(-1) to wait indefinitely.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public property MeasurementsSortedByArrival Gets the total number of measurements that were sorted by arrival because the measurement reported a bad timestamp quality.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public property MinimumMeasurementsToUse Gets or sets minimum number of input measurements required for adapter. Set to -1 to require all.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public property MissedSortsByTimeout Gets the total number of missed sorts by timeout processed by the concentrator.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public property Name Gets name of the action adapter.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public property OutputMeasurements Gets or sets output measurements that the calculated measurement will produce, if any.
(Inherited from CalculatedMeasurementBase)
Public property OutputMeasurementTypes Gets or sets output measurement SignalType's for each of the OutputMeasurements, if any.
(Inherited from CalculatedMeasurementBase)
Public property OutputSourceIDs Gets or sets Source values used to filter output measurements.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public property PerformTimestampReasonabilityCheck Gets or sets flag that determines if timestamp reasonability checks should be performed on incoming measurements (i.e., measurement timestamps are compared to system clock for reasonability using LeadTime tolerance).
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public property ProcessByReceivedTimestamp Gets or sets flag that determines if concentrator should sort measurements by received time.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public property ProcessedMeasurements Gets the total number of measurements successfully sorted.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public property ProcessingInterval Gets or sets the desired processing interval, in milliseconds, for the adapter.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public property PublishedFrames Gets the total number of published frames.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public property PublishedMeasurements Gets the total number of published measurements.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public property QueueState Gets detailed state of concentrator frame queue.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public property RealTime Gets the most accurate time value that is available. If UseLocalClockAsRealTime = true, then this function will return UtcNow. Otherwise, this function will return the timestamp of the most recent measurement, or UtcNow if no measurement timestamps are within time deviation tolerances as specified by the LeadTime value.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public property ReceivedMeasurements Gets the total number of measurements ever requested for sorting.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public property RequestedInputMeasurementKeys Gets or sets input measurement keys that are requested by other adapters based on what adapter says it can provide.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public property RequestedOutputMeasurementKeys Gets or sets output measurement keys that are requested by other adapters based on what adapter says it can provide.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public property RespectInputDemands Gets or sets flag indicating if action adapter should respect auto-start requests based on input demands.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public property RespectOutputDemands Gets or sets flag indicating if action adapter should respect auto-start requests based on output demands.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public property RoundToNearestTimestamp Gets or sets a value to indicate whether the concentrator should round to the nearest frame timestamp rather than rounding down to the nearest timestamps.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public property RunTime Gets the total amount of time, in seconds, that the concentrator has been active.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public property Settings Gets settings DictionaryTKey, TValue parsed when ConnectionString was assigned.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Protected property ShowConcentratorStatus Gets flags that determines if ConcentratorBase class status should be included in ActionAdapterBase status.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public property StartTime Gets the UTC time the concentrator was started.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public property StartTimeConstraint Gets the start time temporal processing constraint defined by call to SetTemporalConstraint(String, String, String).
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public property Status Returns the detailed status of the PhasorAddition.
(Overrides CalculatedMeasurementBaseStatus)
Public property StopTime Gets the UTC time the concentrator was stopped.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public property StopTimeConstraint Gets the stop time temporal processing constraint defined by call to SetTemporalConstraint(String, String, String).
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public property SupportsTemporalProcessing Gets the flag indicating if this adapter supports temporal processing.
(Overrides CalculatedMeasurementBaseSupportsTemporalProcessing)
Public property TicksPerFrame Gets the number of ticks per frame.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public property TimeResolution Gets or sets the maximum time resolution, in ticks, to use when sorting measurements by timestamps into their proper destination frame.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public property TotalPublicationTime Gets the total number of seconds frames have spent in the publication process since concentrator started.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public property TrackLatestMeasurements Gets or sets flag to start tracking the absolute latest received measurement values.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public property UseLocalClockAsRealTime Gets or sets flag that determines whether or not to use the local clock time as real-time.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public property UsePrecisionTimer Gets or sets flag that determines if precision timer should be used for frame publication.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public property WaitHandleExpirations Gets the total number of wait handle expirations encountered due to delayed precision timer releases.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
See Also