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CommonStatusFlags Enumeration

Protocol independent common status flags enumeration.

Namespace: GSF.PhasorProtocols
Assembly: GSF.PhasorProtocols (in GSF.PhasorProtocols.dll) Version: 2.4.232-beta
public enum CommonStatusFlags
Member nameValueDescription
NoFlags0 No flags.
DeviceError65,536 Device error (including configuration error), 0 when no error.
DataSortingType131,072 Data sorting type, 0 by timestamp, 1 by arrival.
SynchronizationIsValid262,144 Synchronization is valid (0 when in device is in sync, 1 when it is not).
DataIsValid524,288 Data is valid (0 when device data is valid, 1 when invalid or device is in test mode).
DataDiscarded1,048,576 Data was discarded from real-time stream due to late arrival (0 when not discarded, 1 when discarded).
DataModified2,097,152 Data was modified by a post-processing device, e.g., a PDC (0 for no modifications, 1 when data modified).
ReservedFlags4,290,772,992 Reserved bits for future common flags, presently set to 0.

These flags are expected to exist in the high-word of a double-word flag set such that original word flags remain in-tact in low-word of double-word flag set.

Note that value being stored in a historian using a 32-bit single precision floating number value will only have castable conversion accuracy back to an unsigned 32-bit integer up to the 24th bit, so any bits used beyond Bit23 will be lossy.

See Also