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IDataCellParsingState Interface

Represents a protocol independent interface representation of the parsing state of any kind of IDataCell.

Namespace: GSF.PhasorProtocols
Assembly: GSF.PhasorProtocols (in GSF.PhasorProtocols.dll) Version: 2.4.232-beta
public interface IDataCellParsingState : IChannelCellParsingState, 
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The IDataCellParsingState type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAnalogCount Gets or sets the number of analog elements associated with the IChannelCell being parsed.
(Inherited from IChannelCellParsingState)
Public propertyConfigurationCell Gets reference to the IConfigurationCell associated with the IDataCell being parsed.
Public propertyCreateNewAnalogValue Gets reference to CreateNewValueFunctionTDefinition, TValue delegate used to create new IAnalogValue objects.
Public propertyCreateNewDigitalValue Gets reference to CreateNewValueFunctionTDefinition, TValue delegate used to create new IDigitalValue objects.
Public propertyCreateNewFrequencyValue Gets reference to CreateNewValueFunctionTDefinition, TValue delegate used to create new IFrequencyValue objects.
Public propertyCreateNewPhasorValue Gets reference to CreateNewValueFunctionTDefinition, TValue delegate used to create new IPhasorValue objects.
Public propertyDigitalCount Gets or sets the number of digital elements associated with the IChannelCell being parsed.
(Inherited from IChannelCellParsingState)
Public propertyParsedBinaryLength Gets or sets the length of the associated IChannel object being parsed from the binary image.
(Inherited from IChannelParsingState)
Public propertyPhasorCount Gets or sets the number of phasor elements associated with the IChannelCell being parsed.
(Inherited from IChannelCellParsingState)
See Also