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IChannel Interface

Represents a protocol independent interface representation of any data type that can be parsed or generated.
This is the base interface implemented by all parsing/generating classes in the phasor protocols library; it is the root of the parsing/generating interface hierarchy.

Namespace: GSF.PhasorProtocols
Assembly: GSF.PhasorProtocols (in GSF.PhasorProtocols.dll) Version: 2.4.232-beta
public interface IChannel : ISupportBinaryImage
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The IChannel type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAttributes Gets a DictionaryTKey, TValue of string based property names and values for this IChannel object.
Public propertyBinaryLength Gets the length of the binary image.
(Inherited from ISupportBinaryImage)
Public propertyState Gets or sets the parsing state for this IChannel object.
Public propertyTag Gets or sets a user definable reference to an object associated with this IChannel object.
Public methodGenerateBinaryImage Generates binary image of the object and copies it into the given buffer, for BinaryLength bytes.
(Inherited from ISupportBinaryImage)
Public methodParseBinaryImage Initializes object by parsing the specified buffer containing a binary image.
(Inherited from ISupportBinaryImage)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodBinaryImage Returns a binary image of an object that implements ISupportBinaryImage.
(Defined by ISupportBinaryImageExtensions)
Public Extension MethodCopyBinaryImageToStream Copies binary image of object that implements ISupportBinaryImage to a Stream.
(Defined by ISupportBinaryImageExtensions)
Public Extension MethodCopyImage This is a common optimized block copy function for any kind of data.
(Defined by Common)
Public Extension MethodParseBinaryImageFromStream Parses binary image of object that implements ISupportBinaryImage from a Stream.
(Defined by ISupportBinaryImageExtensions)
See Also