Data Collection
Collect PQ Data from various PQ meters, DFRs and Relays.
- Download DFR and PQ Meter waveform data via FTP
- Download DFR and PQ Meter trending data via FTP
- Download Data directly via Vendor protocols
- Multi-Node System with failover capabilities
- Community Support
- Statistics on Field Device Status
- Dedicated support
- Dedicated 24x7 Support Available
- Real-Time waveform views
- Meter Configuration management
- Priority Polling after a disturbance
- Download DFR and PQ Meter waveform data via FTP
- Download DFR and PQ Meter trending data via FTP
- Download Data directly via Vendor protocols*
- Multi Node System with failover capabilities
- Community Support
- Statistics on Field Device Status
- Dedicated 8x5 Business Day Support
- Dedicated 24x7 Support Available
- Real-Time waveform views
- Meter Configuration management
- Priority Polling after a disturbance
The openMIC system collects event and configuration data from Digital Fault Recorders (DFRs), Power Quality meters and other substation devices. It polls these field-devices using FTP based on user-defined schedules and organizes the returned data files into a user-customizable folder hierarchy.
openMIC is capable of interrogating multiple substation devices simultaneously via IP or Modem (RAS & FTP). Administrators define schedules (including as-fast-as-possible) and specify the output location and format for the data files, e.g., year-month-day, with customizations available for groups of devices or on a per-device basis. openMIC is designed for deployment on critical operational networks.
openMIC Enterprise Edition
openMIC Enterprise Edition extends openMIC's functionality to include interrogation of meters using custom vendor protocols. Due to the proprietary nature of many of these interfaces, this functionality cannot be implemented as an open-source solution. To work around this limitation, GPA has released openMIC Enterprise Edition, which at launch supports interrogation of ION, Drantez 61000, SATEC and iGRID devices. Interfaces to meters from other vendors are under development and will be available soon.
For large infrastructures, openMIC EE also includes two major additional features:
- The ability to run as a multi-node system for high-availabilty and to distribute the work load horizontally.
- The ability to programmatically interrupt the polling queue for priority polling of a specific group of devices, such as all devices in a substation when SCADA records a breaker operation in that station.
This abilty to scale openMIC EE and its ability to poll first at the points of known events ensures the fast availability of disturbance details to operators and engineers, even as openMIC EE handles data from many thousands of field devices.