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Word Class

Represents functions and extensions related to 16-bit words, 32-bit double-words and 64-bit quad-words.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: GSF
Assembly: GSF.Core (in GSF.Core.dll) Version: 2.4.230-beta+03417d7b5cff037b24e882d7adef82d359b34964
public static class Word
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The Word type exposes the following members.

Public Extension MethodAlignDoubleWord(Int32) Aligns double-word value on a 32-bit boundary.
Public Extension MethodAlignDoubleWord(UInt32) Aligns double-word value on a 32-bit boundary.
Public Extension MethodAlignQuadWord(Int64) Aligns quad-word value on a 64-bit boundary.
Public Extension MethodAlignQuadWord(UInt64) Aligns quad-word value on a 64-bit boundary.
Public Extension MethodAlignWord(Int16) Aligns word value on a 16-bit boundary.
Public Extension MethodAlignWord(UInt16) Aligns word value on a 16-bit boundary.
Public Extension MethodHighByte Returns the high-byte from an unsigned word (UInt16).
Public Extension MethodHighDoubleWord Returns the unsigned high-double-word (UInt32) from an unsigned quad-word (UInt64).
Public Extension MethodHighNibble Returns the high-nibble (high 4-bits) from a byte.
Public Extension MethodHighWord Returns the unsigned high-word (UInt16) from an unsigned double-word (UInt32).
Public Extension MethodLowByte Returns the low-byte from an unsigned word (UInt16).
Public Extension MethodLowDoubleWord Returns the unsigned low-double-word (UInt32) from an unsigned quad-word (UInt64).
Public Extension MethodLowNibble Returns the low-nibble (low 4-bits) from a byte.
Public Extension MethodLowWord Returns the unsigned low-word (UInt16) from an unsigned double-word (UInt32).
Public methodStatic memberMakeDoubleWord Makes an unsigned double-word (UInt32) from two unsigned words (UInt16).
Public methodStatic memberMakeQuadWord Makes an unsigned quad-word (UInt64) from two unsigned double-words (UInt32).
Public methodStatic memberMakeWord Makes an unsigned word (UInt16) from two bytes.
See Also


GSF Namespace