2024 Synchrophasor User's Group Presentations
October 2024
Users Group

The first annual return of the GPA Synchrophasor User's Group Forum was held virtually and in-person on October 23 & 24, 2024. This User's Group Meeting included the introduction of the Synchrophasor Enterprise Edition updates and features and presentations from GPA collaborators and users.
This User's Group was a great success, and we hope those of you unable to attend this year will be able to join us next year!
The presentation slides from this User's Group Meeting are now available for download:
- Day 1
- PMUs and Blackout Prevention Terry Boston, GPA
- GPA Enterprise Edition Software - Licensing and Overview Dr. Christoph Lackner, GPA
- Entergy Synchrophasor Architecture Dr. Itti Leevongwat, Entergy
- GPA Synchrophasor Products Failover & Minimizing Downtime Stephen Wills, GPA
- Archiving Features & Improvements Erika Wills, GPA
- Synchrophasor Data Delivery Reference Architecture Dan Brancaccio, Quanta Technology
- Connectivity and Performance Updates Ritchie Carroll, GPA
- Update on PNNL's Oscillation and High-Speed Measurement Research Dr. Jim Follum, PNNL
- User Interfaces Reimagined Dr. Christoph Lackner, GPA
- Real-time Applications of PMU Measurement for Power Grid Monitoring and Control Dr. Joy Zhao & Cici Jia, UTK Day 2
- Use of Synchrophasor Displays for Blackout Restoration Daniel Gschliesser, ARTEMES
- Reporting, Data Quality, and Beyond Stephen Wills, GPA
- Use of GPA Synchrophasor Products at ONS Ricardo Lira, ONS
- MANTRA - Modal Analysis and Oscilation Tracking Dr. Mani Venkatasubramanian, WSU
- Streaming Data at Scale Josh Mellen, Dominion
- PingThings: GPA + Dominion Energy STTP at Scale Justin Gilmer, PingThings, Inc.
- DOE Office of Electricity: Electric Sector Data Strategy Sandra Jenkins, DOE
- Use of Synchrophasors at SPP Michael Nugent, SPP
- TVA PMU Real Time Application Uses Jonathan Sides, TVA