Announcing the Q4 PQ Dashboard Users Group Meeting

Thank you to everyone who attended the last Users Group meeting in Austin. There was some great collaboration and participation, and we want to keep the conversation going!
The next PQ Dashboard Users Group Meeting will be held virtually on Wednesday, December 14, 2022 from 1pm-5pm EST. The meeting will focus on new analytics and R&D projects in the PQ Dashboard and openXDA suite of tools.
With the expansion of power quality monitoring throughout the transmission and distribution system, managers are needing a more efficient method of gathering, analyzing, and reporting wide-area PQ information. The Open PQ Dashboard is an enterprise system that focuses on meeting those needs by efficiently disseminating actionable PQ information using a visual top-to-bottom drill-down approach.
The PQ Dashboard Users Group Meetings provide an opportunity for different utilities to get together and share use-cases, best-practices, and discuss barriers in implementing an enterprise PQ monitoring system using the Open PQ Dashboard suite of products.
As usual, non-user group members are welcome to attend. Invitations to register for the event and a specific agenda will follow in November.