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ISecurityProvider Interface

Defines a provider of role-based security in applications.

Namespace: GSF.Security
Assembly: GSF.Security (in GSF.Security.dll) Version: 2.4.232-beta
public interface ISecurityProvider : IPersistSettings
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The ISecurityProvider type exposes the following members.

Public propertyApplicationName Gets or sets the name of the application being secured as defined in the backend security data store.
Public propertyAuthenticationFailureReason Gets an authentication failure reason, if set by the provider when authentication fails.
Public propertyCanChangePassword Gets a boolean value that indicates whether ChangePassword(String, String) operation is supported.
Public propertyCanRefreshData Gets a boolean value that indicates whether RefreshData operation is supported.
Public propertyCanResetPassword Gets a boolean value that indicates whether ResetPassword(String) operation is supported.
Public propertyConnectionString Gets or sets the connection string to be used for connection to the backend security data store.
Public propertyIsRedirectRequested Gets the flag that indicates whether the user needs to be redirected after the Authentication attempt. Could be used for asking Users to confirm Messages etc.
Public propertyIsUserAuthenticated Gets the flag that indicates whether the user was authenticated during the last authentication attempt.
Public propertyLogEvent Gets or sets the LogEventFunctionSignature to use for logging security events for the SecurityProviderBase implementation.
Public propertyPassthroughPrincipal Gets or sets the principal used for passthrough authentication.
Public propertyPassword Gets or sets SecurePassword as clear text password.
Public propertyPersistSettings Determines whether the object settings are to be persisted to the config file.
(Inherited from IPersistSettings)
Public propertyRequestedRedirect Gets the URI that user will be redirected to if IsRedirectRequested is set.
Public propertySecurePassword Gets or sets the password as a SecureString.
Public propertySettingsCategory Gets or sets the category name under which the object settings are persisted in the config file.
(Inherited from IPersistSettings)
Public propertyUserData Gets the UserData object containing information about the user.
Public methodAuthenticate Authenticates the user.
Public methodChangePassword Changes user password in the backend data store.
Public methodGetUserRoles Gets a list of Roles for this user for a specified ApplicationId.
Public methodLoadSettings Loads saved settings from the config file.
(Inherited from IPersistSettings)
Public methodRefreshData Refreshes the UserData from the backend data store.
Public methodResetPassword Resets user password in the backend data store.
Public methodSaveSettings Saves settings to the config file.
(Inherited from IPersistSettings)
Public methodTranslateRedirect Performs a translation of the default login page to a different endpoint.
Public methodTranslateRole Performs a translation of the specified user role.
See Also