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GSF.Security Namespace

Contains fundamental classes that define the security framework for role-based security.
  Class Description
Public class AdoSecurityCache Represents a secured inter-process cache for the security context needed by the AdoSecurityProvider.
Public class Code example AdoSecurityProvider Represents an ISecurityProvider that uses ADO.NET data source (SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, etc.) for its back-end data store and authenticates internal users against Active Directory and external users against the database.
Public class AzureADSettings Represents settings needed for Azure Active Directory (AD) authentication.
Public class Code example LdapSecurityProvider Represents an ISecurityProvider that uses Active Directory for its backend data store and credential authentication.
Public class Code example OIDCSecurityProvider Represents an ISecurityProvider that uses openID Connect
Public class OIDCUserData Defines UserData for the OIDCSecurityProvider.
Public class RestrictAccessAttribute Represents an Attribute that can be used restrict access to a class when using role-based security.
Public class SecurityIdentity A class that implements IIdentity interface to facilitate custom role-based security.
Public class SecurityPrincipal A class that implements IPrincipal interface to facilitate custom role-based security.
Public class Code example SecurityProviderBase Base class for a provider of role-based security in applications.
Public class SecurityProviderCache A helper class that manages the caching of ISecurityProviders.
Public class SecurityProviderUtility A helper class containing methods used in the implementation of role-based security.
Public class TokenCacheHelper Defines a helper class for token cache management.
Public class UserData A serializable class that contains information about a user defined in the security data store.
Public class UserDataCache Represents a secured inter-process cache for a DictionaryTKey, TValue of serialized UserData.
Public class UserRoleCache Represents a secured inter-process cache for a DictionaryTKey, TValue of serialized user role information.
  Interface Description
Public interface ISecurityProvider Defines a provider of role-based security in applications.
  Delegate Description
Public delegate LogEventFunctionSignature Defines the function signature delegate used for logging events from the ISecurityProvider.