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SymmetricAlgorithmExtensions Class

Defines extension functions related to cryptographic SymmetricAlgorithm objects.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: GSF.Security.Cryptography
Assembly: GSF.Core (in GSF.Core.dll) Version: 2.4.218-beta+101eee949414e414795e55a6e73d88938f0177b8
public static class SymmetricAlgorithmExtensions
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The SymmetricAlgorithmExtensions type exposes the following members.

Public Extension MethodDecrypt(SymmetricAlgorithm, Stream, Stream, Byte, Byte) Decrypts input stream onto output stream for the given parameters.
Public Extension MethodDecrypt(SymmetricAlgorithm, Byte, Int32, Int32, Byte, Byte) Returns a binary array of decrypted data for the given parameters.
Public Extension MethodEncrypt(SymmetricAlgorithm, Stream, Stream, Byte, Byte) Encrypts input stream onto output stream for the given parameters.
Public Extension MethodEncrypt(SymmetricAlgorithm, Byte, Int32, Int32, Byte, Byte) Returns a binary array of encrypted data for the given parameters.
See Also