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DeviceCommand Enumeration

Macrodyne set and request commands enumeration.

Namespace: GSF.PhasorProtocols.Macrodyne
Assembly: GSF.PhasorProtocols (in GSF.PhasorProtocols.dll) Version: 2.4.232-beta
public enum DeviceCommand
Member nameValueDescription
Undefined0 Undefined command.
RequestStatus1Flags47,904 Request STATU1 flag (1 response byte).
RequestStatus2Flags47,906 Request STATU2 flag (1 response byte).
RequestOnlineDataFormat47,908 Request ON-LINE data format (2 response bytes).
RequestOperationalLimitFlags47,910 Request operational limit reached flags (3 response bytes).
RequestWordBufferValue47,912 Request value in word buffer (2 response bytes).
RequestByteBufferValue47,914 Request value in byte buffer (1 response byte).
RequestTimeTagValue47,916 Request current time tag string (6 response bytes).
RequestUnitStatus47,918 Request unit status.
RequestAnalogTriggerValues47,920 Request analog trigger values (18 response bytes).
RequestVMinTriggerValue47,922 Request VMIN trigger value (2 response bytes).
RequestVMaxTriggerValue47,924 Request VMAX trigger value (2 response bytes).
RequestAngdTriggerValue47,926 Request ANGD trigger value (2 response bytes).
RequestFreqTriggerValue47,928 Request FREQ trigger value (2 response bytes).
RequestDfDtTriggerValue47,930 Request DFDT trigger value (2 response bytes).
RequestLncmTriggerValue47,932 Request LNCM trigger value (2 response bytes).
RequestVCoefTriggerValue47,934 Request VCOEF trigger value (2 response bytes).
RequestFCoefTriggerValue47,936 Request FCOEF trigger value (2 response bytes).
RequestDCoefTriggerValue47,938 Request DCOEF trigger value (2 response bytes).
RequestDigitalsNormalState47,940 Request normal state of digital channels (2 response bytes).
RequestDigitalsTriggerEnabledState47,942 Request trigger enabled state of digital channels (1 response byte).
RequestUnitIDBufferValue47,944 Request value in unit ID buffer (8 ASCII response bytes).
RequestPhasorType47,946 Request the value which determines what each analog channel is, bit # = channel #, 1 = VOLTAGE, 0 = CURRENT.
RequestOneSecondTableLine47,948 Request table line from 1 second table.
RequestExtendedTableLine47,950 Request table line from extended table.
RequestPreviousTableLine47,952 Request previous table line/block.
RequestTableTimeInformation47,954 Request time information for selected table.
RequestTableTriggerInformation47,956 Request trigger information for selected table.
RequestTableWithFreezeReason47,958 Request table with freeze reason (16 response bytes).
RequestTimeOfFreezeTableSize47,960 Request number of bytes in time of freeze tables (1 response byte).
RequestTimeOfFreezeTables47,962 Request time of freeze tables.
RequestOperationalLimitsValue47,964 Request value of operational limits (7 response bytes).
RequestOperationalCountersValue47,966 Request value of operational counters (6 response bytes).
RequestOperationalDigitalCountsValue47,968 Request value of operational counts of digital channels (16 response bytes).
RequestRawTableLine47,970 Request raw table line.
RequestRawTableInformation47,972 Request raw table information (18 response bytes).
RequestCurrentRawTablePreTrigger47,974 Request current raw table pre-trigger (22 response bytes).
SelectEvent152,256 Select Event 1.
SelectEvent252,257 Select Event 2.
SelectEvent352,258 Select Event 3.
SelectEvent452,259 Select Event 4.
SelectEvent552,260 Select Event 5.
SelectEvent652,261 Select Event 6.
SelectEvent752,262 Select Event 7.
SelectEvent852,263 Select Event 8.
SelectEvent952,264 Select Event 9.
SelectEvent1052,265 Select Event 10.
SelectEvent1152,266 Select Event 11.
SelectEvent1252,267 Select Event 12.
SelectEvent1352,268 Select Event 13.
SelectEvent1452,269 Select Event 14.
SelectEvent1552,270 Select Event 15.
SelectEvent1652,271 Select Event 16.
EraseSelectedEvent52,272 Erase selected event.
ForceEvent52,274 Force an event.
SetOneSecondPreTriggerValue52,276 Set the 1 second table pre-trigger to the value in the word buffer.
SetExtendedPreTriggerValue52,278 Set the extended table pre-trigger to the value in the word buffer.
SetUnitID52,280 Set the unit ID (8 ASCII bytes) to the values in the 8 byte buffer (set using SendUnitIDData.
StartOnlineData52,282 Start sending ON-LINE data down this port (the port the command was received on).
StopOnlineData52,284 Stop sending ON-LINE data or reference data down this port.
StartSendingReferencePort152,286 Start sending the reference down port1.
StartSendingReferencePort252,288 Start sending the reference down port2.
StopSendingReference52,290 Stop sending the reference down either port.
EnableReferenceReception52,292 Enable the reference reception in any port.
DisableReferenceReception52,294 Disable the reference reception in any port.
RebootUnit52,296 Re-boot the PMU code from the EEPROM and re-start the unit.
ResetUnitAndFlags52,298 Reset the unit and reset the flags.
Set2CycleOutputRate52,300 Set the output rate to 2 cycles (i.e. 30 times/sec).
Set5CycleOutputRate52,302 Set the output rate to 5 cycles (i.e. 12 times/sec).
Set10CycleOutputRate52,304 Set the output rate to 10 cycles (i.e. 6 times/sec).
Use5Phasors52,306 Set the PMU for 5 phasors.
Use4Phasors52,308 Set the PMU for 4 phasors.
Use3Phasors52,310 Set the PMU for 3 phasors.
Use2Phasors52,312 Set the PMU for 2 phasors.
Use1Phasor52,314 Set the PMU for 1 phasor.
SetMScaleValue52,316 Set mscale to the value in the word buffer.
EnableAllTriggers52,318 Enable all triggers.
DisableAllTriggers52,320 Disable all triggers.
SetVMinTrigger52,322 Set the VMIN trigger to the value in the word buffer.
SetVMaxTrigger52,324 Set the VMAX trigger to the value in the word buffer.
SetAngdTrigger52,326 Set the ANGD trigger to the value in the word buffer.
SetFreqTrigger52,328 Set the FREQ trigger to the value in the word buffer.
SetDfDtTrigger52,330 Set the DFDT trigger to the value in the word buffer.
SetLncmTrigger52,332 Set the LNCM trigger to the value in the word buffer.
SetVCoefValue52,334 Set the VCOEF value to the value in the word buffer.
SetFCoefValue52,336 Set the FCOEF value to the value in the word buffer.
SetDCoefValue52,338 Set the DCOEF value to the value in the word buffer.
SetNrmDigState52,340 Set the NRM_DIG (normal state of digital channel) to the value in the word buffer.
SetDigEnbTrigger52,342 Set the DIG_ENB (digital channel trigger enable) to the value in the word buffer.
ResetOnlineDataFormat52,344 Reset the ON-LINE data format to the default setting.
AddSecondStatus52,346 Add the second status byte to the ON-LINE data.
AddTimeStamp52,348 Add the time stamp to the ON-LINE data.
AddSecondPhasor52,350 Add the second phasor to the ON-LINE data.
AddThirdPhasor52,352 Add the third phasor to the ON-LINE data.
AddForthPhasor52,354 Add the fourth phasor to the ON-LINE data.
AddFifthPhasor52,356 Add the fifth phasor to the ON-LINE data.
AddReferencePhasor52,358 Add the reference phasor to the ON-LINE data.
SetVMinOperationalLimit52,360 Set the VMIN operational limit to the value in the byte buffer.
SetVMaxOperationalLimit52,362 Set the VMAX operational limit to the value in the byte buffer.
SetAngdOperationalLimit52,364 Set the ANGD operational limit to the value in the byte buffer.
SetFreqOperationalLimit52,366 Set the FREQ operational limit to the value in the byte buffer.
SetDfDtOperationalLimit52,368 Set the DFDT operational limit to the value in the byte buffer.
SetLncmOperationalLimit52,370 Set the LNCM operational limit to the value in the byte buffer.
SetDigitalOperationalLimit52,372 Set the digital channels operational limit to the value in the byte buffer.
ResetOperationalLimitCounters52,374 Reset all operational limit counters (ANALOG AND DIGITAL) to 0.
AddDigitals52,376 Add digital channels to the ON-LINE data.
SetPhasorType52,378 Set the first set of analog channels to the value in the word buffer which designates what each channel will be, VOLTAGE or CURRENT.
Set GPS to transparent mode (host port A only).
SendCommandToSecondBoard52,382 Send this command when the following command refers to the second board.
SetDigitalsTo1652,384 Set the number of Digital Channels to 16.
SetDigitalsTo3252,386 Set the number of Digital Channels to 32.
SetRawPreTriggerValue52,388 Set raw data pre-trigger to the value in the word buffer.
StartDebugMode52,390 Start Debug Mode. Stops PMU program and enters the debugger.
These commands should be transmitted in big-endian to make sure high word and low word are in the expected order.
See Also