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ClockStatusFlags Enumeration

Macrodyne clock status flags enumeration (from byte 1 in time string).

Namespace: GSF.PhasorProtocols.Macrodyne
Assembly: GSF.PhasorProtocols (in GSF.PhasorProtocols.dll) Version: 2.4.232-beta
public enum ClockStatusFlags
Member nameValueDescription
NoFlags0 No flags.
DacBeyondLimits1 Set when DAC811 adjustment on the GPS board is beyond limits.
GpsComIssue2 Set when the time output is that from the internal buffer (in GPS board processor) incremented by one second.
GpsUnlocked4 Set when the internal oscillator is not disciplined (the GPS clock is not locked).
GpsTimeInvalid8 Set when the last GPS receiver time tag was invalid.
ResynchronizationPending16 Set when the system is about to be resynchronized to the GPS receiver.
ErrorCondition32 Set when an error condition exists.
UsingLocalTime64 Set for local time mode, cleared for UTC mode.
ClockAndReceiverOutOfSync128 Set when the GPS clock 1 PPS and the GPS receiver 1 PPS differ by more than 5 microseconds.
See Also