TimeQualityFlags Enumeration
Time quality flags enumeration.
Namespace: GSF.PhasorProtocols.IEEEC37_118Assembly: GSF.PhasorProtocols (in GSF.PhasorProtocols.dll) Version: 2.4.232-beta
SyntaxGSF.PhasorProtocols.IEEEC37_118.TimeQualityFlags = function();
GSF.PhasorProtocols.IEEEC37_118.TimeQualityFlags.createEnum('GSF.PhasorProtocols.IEEEC37_118.TimeQualityFlags', true);
MembersMember name | Value | Description |
NoFlags | 0 |
No flags.
TimeQualityIndicatorCodeMask | 251,658,240 |
Time quality indicator code mask.
LeapSecondPending | 268,435,456 |
Leap second pending – set before a leap second occurs and cleared in the second after the leap second occurs.
LeapSecondOccurred | 536,870,912 |
Leap second occurred – set in the first second after the leap second occurs and remains set for 24 hours.
LeapSecondDirection | 1,073,741,824 |
Leap second direction – 0 for add, 1 for delete.
Reserved | 2,147,483,648 |
Reserved bit.
See Also