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SnmpType Enumeration

SNMP type code. The values are tag values for SNMP types.

Namespace: GSF.Net.Snmp
Assembly: GSF.Net (in GSF.Net.dll) Version: 2.4.191-beta
public enum SnmpType
View Source
Member nameValueDescription
Integer322 INTEGER type. (SMIv1, SMIv2)
OctetString4 OCTET STRING type.
Null5 NULL type. (SMIv1)
ObjectIdentifier6 OBJECT IDENTIFIER type. (SMIv1)
Sequence48 RFC1213 sequence for whole SNMP packet beginning
IPAddress64 IpAddress type. (SMIv1)
Counter3265 Counter32 type. (SMIv1, SMIv2)
Gauge3266 Gauge32 type. (SMIv1, SMIv2)
TimeTicks67 TimeTicks type. (SMIv1)
Opaque68 Opaque type. (SMIv1)
NetAddress69 Network Address. (SMIv1)
Counter6470 Counter64 type. (SMIv2)
Unsigned3271 Unsigned32 type. (Use this code in RFC 1442)
NoSuchObject128 No such object exception.
NoSuchInstance129 No such instance exception.
EndOfMibView130 End of MIB view exception.
GetRequestPdu160 Get request PDU.
GetNextRequestPdu161 Get Next request PDU.
ResponsePdu162 Response PDU.
SetRequestPdu163 Set request PDU.
TrapV1Pdu164 Trap v1 PDU.
GetBulkRequestPdu165 Get Bulk PDU.
InformRequestPdu166 Inform PDU.
TrapV2Pdu167 Trap v2 PDU.
ReportPdu168 Report PDU. SNMP v3.
Unknown65,535 Defined by #SNMP for unknown type.
See Also