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ErrorCode Enumeration

Error code for SNMP operations. (0-5 are first defined in SNMP v1, and others are added in v2)

Namespace: GSF.Net.Snmp
Assembly: GSF.Net (in GSF.Net.dll) Version: 2.4.232-beta
public enum ErrorCode
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Member nameValueDescription
NoError0 There was no problem performing the request.
TooBig1 The response to your request was too big to fit into one response.
NoSuchName2 An agent was asked to get or set an OID that it can't find; i.e., the OID doesn't exist.
BadValue3 A read-write or write-only object was set to an inconsistent value.
ReadOnly4 This error is generally not used. The noSuchName error is equivalent to this one.
GenError5 This is a catch-all error. If an error occurs for which none of the previous messages is appropriate, a genError is issued.
NoAccess6 A set to an inaccessible variable was attempted. This typically occurs when the variable has an ACCESS type of not-accessible.
WrongType7 An object was set to a type that is different from its definition. This error will occur if you try to set an object that is of type INTEGER to a string, for example.
WrongLength8 An object's value was set to something other than what it calls for. For instance, a string can be defined to have a maximum character size. This error occurs if you try to set a string object to a value that exceeds its maximum length.
WrongEncoding9 A set operation was attempted using the wrong encoding for the object being set.
WrongValue10 A variable was set to a value it doesn't understand. This can occur when a read-write is defined as an enumeration, and you try to set it to a value that is not one of the enumerated types.
NoCreation11 You tried to set a nonexistent variable or create a variable that doesn't exist in the MIB.
InconsistentValue12 A MIB variable is in an inconsistent state, and is not accepting any set requests.
ResourceUnavailable13 No system resources are available to perform a set.
CommitFailed14 This is a catch-all error for set failures.
UndoFailed15 A set failed and the agent was unable to roll back all the previous sets up until the point of failure.
AuthorizationError16 An SNMP command could not be authenticated; in other words, someone has supplied an incorrect community string.
NotWritable17 A variable will not accept a set, even though it is supposed to.
InconsistentName18 You attempted to set a variable, but that attempt failed because the variable was in some kind of inconsistent state.
See Also