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WaveFormat Enumeration

Common WAVE audio encoding formats.

Namespace: GSF.Media
Assembly: GSF.Media (in GSF.Media.dll) Version: 2.4.232-beta
public enum WaveFormat
Member nameValueDescription
Unknown0Wave format type is undefined.
PCM1Standard pulse-code modulation audio format
ADPCM2Adaptive differential pulse-code modulation encoding algorithm
IeeeFloat3Floating point PCM encoding algorithm
ALaw6A-law encoding algorithm (used in Europe and the rest of the world)
MuLaw7μ-law encoding algorithm (used in North America and Japan)
DTS8Decode Timestamp encoding algorithm (used in MPEG-coded multimedia)
DRM9Digital Rights Management encoded format (for digital-audio content protected by Microsoft DRM).
Mpeg80MPEG Audio is a family of open standards for compressed audio that includes MP2, MP3 and AAC.
MpegLayer385ISO MPEG-Layer 3 audio format.
WaveFormatExtensible65,534Use WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE structure.

Microsoft defines more than 130 different audio encoding formats for WAVE files. Only the more common formats are defined here.

Note that PCM (i.e., Pulse Code Modulation) is a universal audio encoding format. It is a very common method of storing and transmitting uncompressed digital audio. Since it is a generic format, it can be read by most any audio application similar to the way a plain text file can be read by any word-processing program. PCM is used by Audio CDs and digital audio tapes (DATs). PCM is also a very common format for AIFF and WAV files.

See Also