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BitsPerSample Enumeration

Typical bit sizes supported by wave files.

Namespace: GSF.Media
Assembly: GSF.Media (in GSF.Media.dll) Version: 2.4.232-beta
public enum BitsPerSample
Member nameValueDescription
Bits888-bits per sample
Bits161616-bits per sample
Bits242424-bits per sample
Bits323232-bits per sample
Strictly speaking, “bits-per-sample” describes the total number of bits used to encode the amplitude (or volume) of a sampled signal. The following table describes a few typical bit ranges and their possible resolution:
Bit rangeResolution
8-bits (1 Byte)0 to 255
16-bits (2 Bytes)-32,768 to 32,767
24-bits (3 Bytes)-8,388,608 to 8,388,607
32-bits (4 Bytes)-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
The net result is that more bits you use, the more resolution you can achieve in amplitude; hence “more bits = better sound quality” however you have to compromise for technical constraints because “more bits = more required space”.
See Also