| Name | Description |
| AddPathSuffix |
Makes sure path is suffixed with standard DirectorySeparatorChar.
| ApplyInheritableDirectoryPermissions |
Replaces the permissions of the directory at the given targetPath
with the inheritable permissions from the directory at the given sourcePath.
| ApplyInheritableFilePermissions |
Replaces the permissions of the file at the given targetPath
with the inheritable permissions from the directory at the given sourcePath.
| ApplyInheritablePermissions |
Replaces the permissions of the directory or file at the given targetPath
with the inheritable permissions from the directory at the given sourcePath.
| ConnectToNetworkShare |
Connects to a network share with the specified user's credentials.
| CopyDirectoryPermissions |
Copies the permissions of the directory at the given sourcePath
to the directory at the given targetPath.
| CopyFilePermissions |
Copies the permissions of the file at the given sourcePath
to the file at the given targetPath.
| CopyPermissions |
Copies permissions from the object at the given sourcePath
to the object at the given targetPath.
| DisconnectFromNetworkShare(String) |
Disconnects the specified network share.
| DisconnectFromNetworkShare(String, Boolean) |
Disconnects the specified network share.
| DropPathRoot |
Remove any path root present in the path.
| EnumerateDirectories(DirectoryInfo, String, SearchOption, ActionException) |
Returns an enumerable collection of subdirectories that match a search pattern in a specified path, and optionally searches subdirectories.
| EnumerateDirectories(String, String, SearchOption, ActionException) |
Returns an enumerable collection of file names that match a search pattern in a specified path, and optionally searches subdirectories.
| EnumerateFiles(DirectoryInfo, String, SearchOption, ActionException) |
Returns an enumerable collection of files that match a search pattern in a specified path, and optionally searches subdirectories.
| EnumerateFiles(String, String, SearchOption, ActionException) |
Returns an enumerable collection of file names that match a search pattern in a specified path, and optionally searches subdirectories.
| GetAbsolutePath |
Gets the absolute file path for the specified file name or relative file path.
| GetApplicationDataFolder |
Gets the path to the folder where data related to the current application can be stored.
| GetAvailableFreeSpace |
Tries to get the free space values for a given path. This path can be a network share or a mount point.
| GetCommonApplicationDataFolder |
Gets the path to the folder where data related to the current
application can be stored as well as shared among different users.
| GetDirectories(DirectoryInfo, String, SearchOption, ActionException) |
Returns the subdirectories that match the specified search pattern in the specified directory, and optionally searches subdirectories.
| GetDirectories(String, String, SearchOption, ActionException) |
Returns the names of the subdirectories (including their paths) that match the specified search pattern in the specified directory, and optionally searches subdirectories.
| GetDirectoryName |
Gets the directory information from the specified file path.
| GetExtension |
Gets the extension from the specified file path.
| GetFileLength |
Gets the size of the specified file.
| GetFileList |
Gets a list of files under the specified path. Search wildcard pattern (c:\Data\*.dat) can be used for
including only the files matching the pattern or path wildcard pattern (c:\Data\*\*.dat) to indicate the
inclusion of files under all subdirectories in the list.
| GetFileLockT |
Gets a lock on the file using the given lock function.
| GetFileName |
Gets the file name and extension from the specified file path.
| GetFileNameWithoutExtension |
Gets the file name without extension from the specified file path.
| GetFilePatternRegularExpression |
Gets a regular expression pattern that simulates wildcard matching for filenames (wildcards are defined as '*' or '?' characters).
| GetFiles(DirectoryInfo, String, SearchOption, ActionException) |
Returns the files that match the specified search pattern in the specified directory, using a value to determine whether to search subdirectories.
| GetFiles(String, String, SearchOption, ActionException) |
Returns the names of files (including their paths) that match the specified search pattern in the specified directory, using a value to determine whether to search subdirectories.
| GetLastDirectoryName |
Gets the last directory name from a file path.
| GetUniqueFilePath |
Gets a unique file path for the given file by checking for name collisions and
adding a sequence number to the end of the file name if there is a collision.
| GetUniqueFilePathWithBinarySearch |
Gets a unique file path for the given file by checking for name collisions and
adding a sequence number to the end of the file name if there is a collision.
| GetValidFileName |
Gets a valid file name by replacing invalid file name characters with replaceWithCharacter.
| GetValidFilePath |
Gets a valid file path by replacing invalid file or directory name characters with replaceWithCharacter.
| InApplicationPath |
Determines if the specified filePath is contained with the current executable path.
| IsFilePatternMatch(String, String, Boolean) |
Determines whether the specified file name matches the given file spec (wildcards are defined as '*' or '?' characters).
| IsFilePatternMatch(String, String, Boolean) |
Determines whether the specified file name matches any of the given file specs (wildcards are defined as '*' or '?' characters).
| IsValidFileName |
Determines if the specified file name and path is valid.
| RemovePathSuffix |
Makes sure path is not suffixed with DirectorySeparatorChar or AltDirectorySeparatorChar.
| ResetPermissions |
Sets the permissions of the file or directory at the given
path to the object's inherited permissions.
| TrimFileName |
Returns a file name, for display purposes, of the specified length using "..." to indicate a longer name.
| TryGetReadLock |
Attempts to get read access on a file.
| TryGetReadLockExclusive |
Attempts to get read access on a file.
| TryGetWriteLock |
Attempts to get write access on a file.
| ValidatePathName |
Ensures the supplied path name is valid.
| WaitForReadLock(String) |
Waits for the default duration (5 seconds) for read access on a file.
| WaitForReadLock(String, Double) |
Waits for read access on a file for the specified number of seconds.
| WaitForReadLockExclusive(String) |
Waits for the default duration (5 seconds) for read access on a file.
| WaitForReadLockExclusive(String, Double) |
Waits for read access on a file for the specified number of seconds.
| WaitForWriteLock(String) |
Waits for the default duration (5 seconds) for write access on a file.
| WaitForWriteLock(String, Double) |
Waits for write access on a file for the specified number of seconds.
| WaitTillExists(String) |
Waits for the default duration (5 seconds) for a file to exist.
| WaitTillExists(String, Double) |
Waits for a file to exist for the specified number of seconds.