Name |
Description |
Makes sure path is suffixed with standard DirectorySeparatorChar.
Replaces the permissions of the directory at the given targetPath
with the inheritable permissions from the directory at the given sourcePath.
Replaces the permissions of the file at the given targetPath
with the inheritable permissions from the directory at the given sourcePath.
Replaces the permissions of the directory or file at the given targetPath
with the inheritable permissions from the directory at the given sourcePath.
Connects to a network share with the specified user's credentials.
Copies the permissions of the directory at the given sourcePath
to the directory at the given targetPath.
Copies the permissions of the file at the given sourcePath
to the file at the given targetPath.
Copies permissions from the object at the given sourcePath
to the object at the given targetPath.
Disconnects the specified network share.
DisconnectFromNetworkShare(String, Boolean)
Disconnects the specified network share.
Remove any path root present in the path.
EnumerateDirectories(DirectoryInfo, String, SearchOption, ActionException)
Returns an enumerable collection of subdirectories that match a search pattern in a specified path, and optionally searches subdirectories.
EnumerateDirectories(String, String, SearchOption, ActionException)
Returns an enumerable collection of file names that match a search pattern in a specified path, and optionally searches subdirectories.
EnumerateFiles(DirectoryInfo, String, SearchOption, ActionException)
Returns an enumerable collection of files that match a search pattern in a specified path, and optionally searches subdirectories.
EnumerateFiles(String, String, SearchOption, ActionException)
Returns an enumerable collection of file names that match a search pattern in a specified path, and optionally searches subdirectories.
Gets the absolute file path for the specified file name or relative file path.
Gets the path to the folder where data related to the current application can be stored.
Tries to get the free space values for a given path. This path can be a network share or a mount point.
Gets the path to the folder where data related to the current
application can be stored as well as shared among different users.
GetDirectories(DirectoryInfo, String, SearchOption, ActionException)
Returns the subdirectories that match the specified search pattern in the specified directory, and optionally searches subdirectories.
GetDirectories(String, String, SearchOption, ActionException)
Returns the names of the subdirectories (including their paths) that match the specified search pattern in the specified directory, and optionally searches subdirectories.
Gets the directory information from the specified file path.
Gets the extension from the specified file path.
Gets the size of the specified file.
Gets a list of files under the specified path. Search wildcard pattern (c:\Data\*.dat) can be used for
including only the files matching the pattern or path wildcard pattern (c:\Data\*\*.dat) to indicate the
inclusion of files under all subdirectories in the list.
Gets a lock on the file using the given lock function.
Gets the file name and extension from the specified file path.
Gets the file name without extension from the specified file path.
Gets a regular expression pattern that simulates wildcard matching for filenames (wildcards are defined as '*' or '?' characters).
GetFiles(DirectoryInfo, String, SearchOption, ActionException)
Returns the files that match the specified search pattern in the specified directory, using a value to determine whether to search subdirectories.
GetFiles(String, String, SearchOption, ActionException)
Returns the names of files (including their paths) that match the specified search pattern in the specified directory, using a value to determine whether to search subdirectories.
Gets the last directory name from a file path.
Gets a unique file path for the given file by checking for name collisions and
adding a sequence number to the end of the file name if there is a collision.
Gets a unique file path for the given file by checking for name collisions and
adding a sequence number to the end of the file name if there is a collision.
Gets a valid file name by replacing invalid file name characters with replaceWithCharacter.
Gets a valid file path by replacing invalid file or directory name characters with replaceWithCharacter.
Determines if the specified filePath is contained with the current executable path.
IsFilePatternMatch(String, String, Boolean)
Determines whether the specified file name matches the given file spec (wildcards are defined as '*' or '?' characters).
IsFilePatternMatch(String, String, Boolean)
Determines whether the specified file name matches any of the given file specs (wildcards are defined as '*' or '?' characters).
Determines if the specified file name and path is valid.
Makes sure path is not suffixed with DirectorySeparatorChar or AltDirectorySeparatorChar.
Sets the permissions of the file or directory at the given
path to the object's inherited permissions.
Returns a file name, for display purposes, of the specified length using "..." to indicate a longer name.
Attempts to get read access on a file.
Attempts to get read access on a file.
Attempts to get write access on a file.
Ensures the supplied path name is valid.
Waits for the default duration (5 seconds) for read access on a file.
WaitForReadLock(String, Double)
Waits for read access on a file for the specified number of seconds.
Waits for the default duration (5 seconds) for read access on a file.
WaitForReadLockExclusive(String, Double)
Waits for read access on a file for the specified number of seconds.
Waits for the default duration (5 seconds) for write access on a file.
WaitForWriteLock(String, Double)
Waits for write access on a file for the specified number of seconds.
Waits for the default duration (5 seconds) for a file to exist.
WaitTillExists(String, Double)
Waits for a file to exist for the specified number of seconds.