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Payload Class

A helper class containing methods for manipulation of payload.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: GSF.Communication
Assembly: GSF.Communication (in GSF.Communication.dll) Version: 2.4.232-beta
public static class Payload
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The Payload type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberAddHeader Adds header containing the marker to the payload in the buffer for "Payload-Aware" transmission.
Public methodStatic memberExtractLength Determines the length of a payload in a "Payload-Aware" transmission from the payload header information.
Public methodStatic memberHasHeader Determines whether or not the buffer contains the header information of a "Payload-Aware" transmission.
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultMarker Default byte sequence used to mark the beginning of the payload in a "Payload-Aware" transmissions.
Public fieldStatic memberLengthSegment Specifies the length of the segment in a "Payload-Aware" transmission that contains the payload length.
See Also