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PayloadAddHeader Method

Adds header containing the marker to the payload in the buffer for "Payload-Aware" transmission.

Namespace: GSF.Communication
Assembly: GSF.Communication (in GSF.Communication.dll) Version: 2.4.232-beta
public static void AddHeader(
	ref byte[] buffer,
	ref int offset,
	ref int length,
	byte[] marker,
	EndianOrder endianOrder
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buffer  Byte
The buffer containing the payload.
offset  Int32
The offset in the buffer at which the payload starts.
length  Int32
The length of the payload in the buffer starting at the offset.
marker  Byte
The byte sequence used to mark the beginning of the payload in a "Payload-Aware" transmissions.
endianOrder  EndianOrder
The endian order to apply to payload size encoding.
See Also