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DataExtensionsPopulateParameters Method

Overload List
  Name Description
Public Extension Method PopulateParameters(OdbcCommand, Object) Takes the OdbcCommand object and populates it with the given parameters.
Public Extension Method PopulateParameters(OleDbCommand, Object) Takes the OleDbCommand object and populates it with the given parameters.
Public Extension Method PopulateParameters(SqlCommand, Object) Takes the SqlCommand object and populates it with the given parameters.
Public Extension Method PopulateParameters(OdbcCommand, Object, Object) Takes the OdbcCommand object and populates it with the given parameters.
Public Extension Method PopulateParameters(OleDbCommand, Object, Object) Takes the OleDbCommand object and populates it with the given parameters.
Public Extension Method PopulateParameters(SqlCommand, Object, Object) Takes the SqlCommand object and populates it with the given parameters.
Public Extension Method PopulateParametersTDbCommand(TDbCommand, ActionTDbCommand, Object) Takes the IDbCommand object and populates it with the given parameters.
See Also