| Name | Description |
| AddParametersWithValues |
Creates and adds a new IDbDataParameter for each of the specified values to the IDbCommand object.
| AddParameterWithValue |
Creates and adds an IDbDataParameter to the IDbCommand object with the specified value.
| ConvertField(DataRow, String, Type) |
Automatically applies type conversion to column values when only a type is available.
| ConvertField(DataRow, String, Type, Object) |
Automatically applies type conversion to column values when only a type is available.
| ConvertFieldT(DataRow, String) |
Provides strongly-typed access to each of the column values in the specified row.
Automatically applies type conversion to the column values.
| ConvertFieldT(DataRow, String, T) |
Provides strongly-typed access to each of the column values in the specified row.
Automatically applies type conversion to the column values.
| ConvertGuidField |
Parses a Guid from a database field that is a Guid type or a string representing a Guid.
| ConvertNullableFieldT |
Provides strongly-typed access to each of the column values in the specified row.
Automatically applies type conversion to the column values.
| CreateParameterizedCommand |
Creates and returns a parameterized IDbCommand. Parameter names are embedded in the SQL statement
passed as a parameter to this method.
| ExecuteMySQLScript(IDbConnection, TextReader) |
Executes the statements defined in the given MySQL script.
| ExecuteMySQLScript(IDbConnection, String) |
Executes the statements defined in the given MySQL script.
| ExecuteNonQuery(IDbCommand, String, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using IDbCommand, and returns the number of rows affected.
| ExecuteNonQuery(OdbcCommand, String, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using OdbcCommand, and returns the number of rows affected.
| ExecuteNonQuery(OdbcConnection, String, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using OdbcConnection, and returns the number of rows affected.
| ExecuteNonQuery(OleDbCommand, String, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using OleDbCommand, and returns the number of rows affected.
| ExecuteNonQuery(OleDbConnection, String, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using OleDbConnection, and returns the number of rows affected.
| ExecuteNonQuery(SqlCommand, String, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using SqlCommand, and returns the number of rows affected.
| ExecuteNonQuery(SqlConnection, String, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using SqlConnection, and returns the number of rows affected.
| ExecuteNonQuery(IDbCommand, String, Int32, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using IDbCommand, and returns the number of rows affected.
| ExecuteNonQuery(OdbcCommand, String, Int32, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using OdbcCommand, and returns the number of rows affected.
| ExecuteNonQuery(OdbcConnection, String, Int32, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using OdbcConnection, and returns the number of rows affected.
| ExecuteNonQuery(OleDbCommand, String, Int32, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using OleDbCommand, and returns the number of rows affected.
| ExecuteNonQuery(OleDbConnection, String, Int32, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using OleDbConnection, and returns the number of rows affected.
| ExecuteNonQuery(SqlCommand, String, Int32, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using SqlCommand, and returns the number of rows affected.
| ExecuteNonQuery(SqlConnection, String, Int32, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using SqlConnection, and returns the number of rows affected.
| ExecuteNonQueryTConnection(TConnection, String, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using IDbConnection, and returns the number of rows affected.
| ExecuteNonQueryTConnection(TConnection, String, Int32, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using IDbConnection, and returns the number of rows affected.
| ExecuteOracleScript(IDbConnection, TextReader) |
Executes the statements defined in the given Oracle database script.
| ExecuteOracleScript(IDbConnection, String) |
Executes the statements defined in the given Oracle database script.
| ExecuteReader(IDbCommand, String, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using IDbCommand, and builds a IDataReader.
| ExecuteReader(OdbcCommand, String, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using OdbcCommand, and builds a OdbcDataReader.
| ExecuteReader(OdbcConnection, String, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using OdbcConnection, and builds a OdbcDataReader.
| ExecuteReader(OleDbCommand, String, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using OleDbCommand, and builds a OleDbDataReader.
| ExecuteReader(OleDbConnection, String, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using OleDbConnection, and builds a OleDbDataReader.
| ExecuteReader(SqlCommand, String, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using SqlCommand, and builds a SqlDataReader.
| ExecuteReader(SqlConnection, String, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using SqlConnection, and builds a SqlDataReader.
| ExecuteReader(IDbCommand, String, Int32, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using IDbCommand, and builds a IDataReader.
| ExecuteReader(IDbCommand, String, CommandBehavior, Int32, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using IDbCommand, and builds a IDataReader.
| ExecuteReader(OdbcCommand, String, CommandBehavior, Int32, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using OdbcCommand, and builds a OdbcDataReader.
| ExecuteReader(OdbcConnection, String, CommandBehavior, Int32, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using OdbcConnection, and builds a OdbcDataReader.
| ExecuteReader(OleDbCommand, String, CommandBehavior, Int32, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using OleDbCommand, and builds a OleDbDataReader.
| ExecuteReader(OleDbConnection, String, CommandBehavior, Int32, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using OleDbConnection, and builds a OleDbDataReader.
| ExecuteReader(SqlCommand, String, CommandBehavior, Int32, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using SqlCommand, and builds a SqlDataReader.
| ExecuteReader(SqlConnection, String, CommandBehavior, Int32, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using SqlConnection, and builds a SqlDataReader.
| ExecuteReaderTConnection(TConnection, String, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using IDbConnection, and builds a IDataReader.
| ExecuteReaderTConnection(TConnection, String, Int32, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using IDbConnection, and builds a IDataReader.
| ExecuteReaderTConnection(TConnection, String, CommandBehavior, Int32, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using IDbConnection, and builds a IDataReader.
| ExecuteScalar(IDbCommand, String, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using IDbCommand, and returns the value in the first column
of the first row in the result set.
| ExecuteScalar(OdbcCommand, String, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using OdbcCommand, and returns the value in the first column
of the first row in the result set.
| ExecuteScalar(OdbcConnection, String, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using OdbcConnection, and returns the value in the first column
of the first row in the result set.
| ExecuteScalar(OleDbCommand, String, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using OleDbCommand, and returns the value in the first column
of the first row in the result set.
| ExecuteScalar(OleDbConnection, String, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using OleDbConnection, and returns the value in the first column
of the first row in the result set.
| ExecuteScalar(SqlCommand, String, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using SqlCommand, and returns the value in the first column
of the first row in the result set.
| ExecuteScalar(SqlConnection, String, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using SqlConnection, and returns the value in the first column
of the first row in the result set.
| ExecuteScalar(IDbCommand, String, Int32, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using IDbCommand, and returns the value in the first column
of the first row in the result set.
| ExecuteScalar(OdbcCommand, String, Int32, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using OdbcCommand, and returns the value in the first column
of the first row in the result set.
| ExecuteScalar(OdbcConnection, String, Int32, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using OdbcConnection, and returns the value in the first column
of the first row in the result set.
| ExecuteScalar(OleDbCommand, String, Int32, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using OleDbCommand, and returns the value in the first column
of the first row in the result set.
| ExecuteScalar(OleDbConnection, String, Int32, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using OleDbConnection, and returns the value in the first column
of the first row in the result set.
| ExecuteScalar(SqlCommand, String, Int32, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using SqlCommand, and returns the value in the first column
of the first row in the result set.
| ExecuteScalar(SqlConnection, String, Int32, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using SqlConnection, and returns the value in the first column
of the first row in the result set.
| ExecuteScalarTConnection(TConnection, String, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using IDbConnection, and returns the value in the first column
of the first row in the result set.
| ExecuteScalarTConnection(TConnection, String, Int32, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using IDbConnection, and returns the value in the first column
of the first row in the result set.
| ExecuteTSQLScript(IDbConnection, TextReader) |
Executes the statements defined in the given TSQL script.
| ExecuteTSQLScript(IDbConnection, String) |
Executes the statements defined in the given TSQL script.
| PopulateParameters(OdbcCommand, Object) |
Takes the OdbcCommand object and populates it with the given parameters.
| PopulateParameters(OleDbCommand, Object) |
Takes the OleDbCommand object and populates it with the given parameters.
| PopulateParameters(SqlCommand, Object) |
Takes the SqlCommand object and populates it with the given parameters.
| PopulateParameters(OdbcCommand, Object, Object) |
Takes the OdbcCommand object and populates it with the given parameters.
| PopulateParameters(OleDbCommand, Object, Object) |
Takes the OleDbCommand object and populates it with the given parameters.
| PopulateParameters(SqlCommand, Object, Object) |
Takes the SqlCommand object and populates it with the given parameters.
| PopulateParametersTDbCommand(TDbCommand, ActionTDbCommand, Object) |
Takes the IDbCommand object and populates it with the given parameters.
| RetrieveData(OdbcCommand, String) |
Executes the SQL statement using OdbcCommand, and returns the first DataTable
of result set, if the result set contains multiple tables.
| RetrieveData(OdbcConnection, String) |
Executes the SQL statement using OdbcConnection, and returns the first DataTable
of result set, if the result set contains multiple tables.
| RetrieveData(OleDbCommand, String) |
Executes the SQL statement using OleDbCommand, and returns the first DataTable
of result set, if the result set contains multiple tables.
| RetrieveData(OleDbConnection, String) |
Executes the SQL statement using OleDbConnection, and returns the first DataTable
of result set, if the result set contains multiple tables.
| RetrieveData(SqlCommand, String) |
Executes the SQL statement using SqlCommand, and returns the first DataTable
of result set, if the result set contains multiple tables.
| RetrieveData(SqlConnection, String) |
Executes the SQL statement using SqlConnection, and returns the first DataTable
of result set, if the result set contains multiple tables.
| RetrieveData(OdbcCommand, String, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using OdbcCommand, and returns the first DataTable
of result set, if the result set contains multiple tables.
| RetrieveData(OdbcConnection, String, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using OdbcConnection, and returns the first DataTable
of result set, if the result set contains multiple tables.
| RetrieveData(OleDbCommand, String, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using OleDbCommand, and returns the first DataTable
of result set, if the result set contains multiple tables.
| RetrieveData(OleDbConnection, String, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using OleDbConnection, and returns the first DataTable
of result set, if the result set contains multiple tables.
| RetrieveData(SqlCommand, String, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using SqlCommand, and returns the first DataTable
of result set, if the result set contains multiple tables.
| RetrieveData(SqlConnection, String, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using SqlConnection, and returns the first DataTable
of result set, if the result set contains multiple tables.
| RetrieveData(IDbCommand, Type, String, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using IDbCommand, and returns the first DataTable
of result set, if the result set contains multiple tables.
| RetrieveData(IDbConnection, Type, String, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using IDbConnection, and returns the first DataTable
of result set, if the result set contains multiple tables.
| RetrieveData(IDbCommand, Type, String, Int32, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using IDbCommand, and returns the first DataTable
of result set, if the result set contains multiple tables.
| RetrieveData(IDbConnection, Type, String, Int32, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using IDbConnection, and returns the first DataTable
of result set, if the result set contains multiple tables.
| RetrieveData(OdbcCommand, String, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
Executes the SQL statement using OdbcCommand, and returns the first DataTable
of result set, if the result set contains multiple tables.
| RetrieveData(OdbcConnection, String, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
Executes the SQL statement using OdbcConnection, and returns the first DataTable
of result set, if the result set contains multiple tables.
| RetrieveData(OleDbCommand, String, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
Executes the SQL statement using OleDbCommand, and returns the first DataTable
of result set, if the result set contains multiple tables.
| RetrieveData(OleDbConnection, String, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
Executes the SQL statement using OleDbConnection, and returns the first DataTable
of result set, if the result set contains multiple tables.
| RetrieveData(SqlCommand, String, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
Executes the SQL statement using SqlCommand, and returns the first DataTable
of result set, if the result set contains multiple tables.
| RetrieveData(SqlConnection, String, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
Executes the SQL statement using SqlConnection, and returns the first DataTable
of result set, if the result set contains multiple tables.
| RetrieveData(OdbcCommand, String, Int32, Int32, Int32, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using OdbcCommand, and returns the first DataTable
of result set, if the result set contains multiple tables.
| RetrieveData(OdbcConnection, String, Int32, Int32, Int32, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using OdbcConnection, and returns the first DataTable
of result set, if the result set contains multiple tables.
| RetrieveData(OleDbCommand, String, Int32, Int32, Int32, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using OleDbCommand, and returns the first DataTable
of result set, if the result set contains multiple tables.
| RetrieveData(OleDbConnection, String, Int32, Int32, Int32, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using OleDbConnection, and returns the first DataTable
of result set, if the result set contains multiple tables.
| RetrieveData(SqlCommand, String, Int32, Int32, Int32, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using SqlCommand, and returns the first DataTable
of result set, if the result set contains multiple tables.
| RetrieveData(SqlConnection, String, Int32, Int32, Int32, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using SqlConnection, and returns the first DataTable
of result set, if the result set contains multiple tables.
| RetrieveDataSet(OdbcCommand, String) |
Executes the SQL statement using OdbcCommand, and returns the DataSet that
may contain multiple tables, depending on the SQL statement.
| RetrieveDataSet(OdbcConnection, String) |
Executes the SQL statement using OdbcConnection, and returns the DataSet that
may contain multiple tables, depending on the SQL statement.
| RetrieveDataSet(OleDbCommand, String) |
Executes the SQL statement using OleDbCommand, and returns the DataSet that
may contain multiple tables, depending on the SQL statement.
| RetrieveDataSet(OleDbConnection, String) |
Executes the SQL statement using OleDbConnection, and returns the DataSet that
may contain multiple tables, depending on the SQL statement.
| RetrieveDataSet(SqlCommand, String) |
Executes the SQL statement using SqlCommand, and returns the DataSet that
may contain multiple table depending on the SQL statement.
| RetrieveDataSet(SqlConnection, String) |
Executes the SQL statement using SqlConnection, and returns the DataSet that
may contain multiple table depending on the SQL statement.
| RetrieveDataSet(OdbcCommand, String, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using OdbcCommand, and returns the DataSet that
may contain multiple tables, depending on the SQL statement.
| RetrieveDataSet(OdbcConnection, String, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using OdbcConnection, and returns the DataSet that
may contain multiple tables, depending on the SQL statement.
| RetrieveDataSet(OleDbCommand, String, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using OleDbCommand, and returns the DataSet that
may contain multiple tables, depending on the SQL statement.
| RetrieveDataSet(OleDbConnection, String, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using OleDbConnection, and returns the DataSet that
may contain multiple tables, depending on the SQL statement.
| RetrieveDataSet(SqlCommand, String, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using SqlCommand, and returns the DataSet that
may contain multiple tables depending on the SQL statement.
| RetrieveDataSet(SqlConnection, String, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using SqlConnection, and returns the DataSet that
may contain multiple tables depending on the SQL statement.
| RetrieveDataSet(IDbCommand, Type, String, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using IDbCommand, and returns the DataSet that
may contain multiple tables, depending on the SQL statement.
| RetrieveDataSet(IDbConnection, Type, String, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using IDbConnection, and returns the DataSet that
may contain multiple tables, depending on the SQL statement.
| RetrieveDataSet(IDbCommand, Type, String, Int32, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using IDbCommand, and returns the DataSet that
may contain multiple tables, depending on the SQL statement.
| RetrieveDataSet(IDbConnection, Type, String, Int32, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using IDbConnection, and returns the DataSet that
may contain multiple tables, depending on the SQL statement.
| RetrieveDataSet(OdbcCommand, String, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
Executes the SQL statement using OdbcCommand, and returns the DataSet that
may contain multiple tables, depending on the SQL statement.
| RetrieveDataSet(OdbcConnection, String, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
Executes the SQL statement using OdbcConnection, and returns the DataSet that
may contain multiple tables, depending on the SQL statement.
| RetrieveDataSet(OleDbCommand, String, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
Executes the SQL statement using OleDbCommand, and returns the DataSet that
may contain multiple tables, depending on the SQL statement.
| RetrieveDataSet(OleDbConnection, String, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
Executes the SQL statement using OleDbConnection, and returns the DataSet that
may contain multiple tables, depending on the SQL statement.
| RetrieveDataSet(SqlCommand, String, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
Executes the SQL statement using SqlCommand, and returns the DataSet that
may contain multiple tables, depending on the SQL statement.
| RetrieveDataSet(SqlConnection, String, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
Executes the SQL statement using SqlConnection, and returns the DataSet that
may contain multiple tables, depending on the SQL statement.
| RetrieveDataSet(OdbcCommand, String, Int32, Int32, Int32, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using OdbcCommand, and returns the DataSet that
may contain multiple tables, depending on the SQL statement.
| RetrieveDataSet(OdbcConnection, String, Int32, Int32, Int32, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using OdbcConnection, and returns the DataSet that
may contain multiple tables, depending on the SQL statement.
| RetrieveDataSet(OleDbCommand, String, Int32, Int32, Int32, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using OleDbCommand, and returns the DataSet that
may contain multiple tables, depending on the SQL statement.
| RetrieveDataSet(OleDbConnection, String, Int32, Int32, Int32, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using OleDbConnection, and returns the DataSet that
may contain multiple tables, depending on the SQL statement.
| RetrieveDataSet(SqlCommand, String, Int32, Int32, Int32, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using SqlCommand, and returns the DataSet that
may contain multiple tables, depending on the SQL statement.
| RetrieveDataSet(SqlConnection, String, Int32, Int32, Int32, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using SqlConnection, and returns the DataSet that
may contain multiple tables, depending on the SQL statement.
| RetrieveRow(OdbcCommand, String) |
Executes the SQL statement using OdbcCommand, and returns the first DataRow in the result set.
| RetrieveRow(OdbcConnection, String) |
Executes the SQL statement using OdbcConnection, and returns the first DataRow in the result set.
| RetrieveRow(OleDbCommand, String) |
Executes the SQL statement using OleDbCommand, and returns the first DataRow in the result set.
| RetrieveRow(OleDbConnection, String) |
Executes the SQL statement using OleDbConnection, and returns the first DataRow in the result set.
| RetrieveRow(SqlCommand, String) |
Executes the SQL statement using SqlCommand, and returns the first DataRow in the result set.
| RetrieveRow(SqlConnection, String) |
Executes the SQL statement using SqlConnection, and returns the first DataRow in the result set.
| RetrieveRow(OdbcCommand, String, Int32) |
Executes the SQL statement using OdbcCommand, and returns the first DataRow in the result set.
| RetrieveRow(OdbcCommand, String, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using OdbcCommand, and returns the first DataRow in the result set.
| RetrieveRow(OdbcConnection, String, Int32) |
Executes the SQL statement using OdbcConnection, and returns the first DataRow in the result set.
| RetrieveRow(OdbcConnection, String, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using OdbcConnection, and returns the first DataRow in the result set.
| RetrieveRow(OleDbCommand, String, Int32) |
Executes the SQL statement using OleDbCommand, and returns the first DataRow in the result set.
| RetrieveRow(OleDbCommand, String, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using OleDbCommand, and returns the first DataRow in the result set.
| RetrieveRow(OleDbConnection, String, Int32) |
Executes the SQL statement using OleDbConnection, and returns the first DataRow in the result set.
| RetrieveRow(OleDbConnection, String, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using OleDbConnection, and returns the first DataRow in the result set.
| RetrieveRow(SqlCommand, String, Int32) |
Executes the SQL statement using SqlCommand, and returns the first DataRow in the result set.
| RetrieveRow(SqlCommand, String, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using SqlCommand, and returns the first DataRow in the result set.
| RetrieveRow(SqlConnection, String, Int32) |
Executes the SQL statement using SqlConnection, and returns the first DataRow in the result set.
| RetrieveRow(SqlConnection, String, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using SqlConnection, and returns the first DataRow in the result set.
| RetrieveRow(IDbCommand, Type, String, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using IDbCommand, and returns the first DataRow in the result set.
| RetrieveRow(IDbConnection, Type, String, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using IDbConnection, and returns the first DataRow in the result set.
| RetrieveRow(OdbcCommand, String, Int32, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using OdbcCommand, and returns the first DataRow in the result set.
| RetrieveRow(OdbcConnection, String, Int32, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using OdbcConnection, and returns the first DataRow in the result set.
| RetrieveRow(OleDbCommand, String, Int32, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using OleDbCommand, and returns the first DataRow in the result set.
| RetrieveRow(OleDbConnection, String, Int32, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using OleDbConnection, and returns the first DataRow in the result set.
| RetrieveRow(SqlCommand, String, Int32, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using SqlCommand, and returns the first DataRow in the result set.
| RetrieveRow(SqlConnection, String, Int32, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using SqlConnection, and returns the first DataRow in the result set.
| RetrieveRow(IDbCommand, Type, String, Int32, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using IDbCommand, and returns the first DataRow in the result set.
| RetrieveRow(IDbConnection, Type, String, Int32, Object) |
Executes the SQL statement using IDbConnection, and returns the first DataRow in the result set.
| SQLEncode |
Performs SQL encoding on given SQL string.
| ToDataTable |
Converts a delimited string into a DataTable.
| ToDelimitedString |
Converts the DataTable to a multi-line delimited string (e.g., CSV export).
| TryRetrieveRow(IDbCommand, Type, String, DataRow, Object) |
Tries to retrieve the first DataRow in the result set of the SQL statement using IDbCommand.
| TryRetrieveRow(IDbConnection, Type, String, DataRow, Object) |
Tries to retrieve the first DataRow in the result set of the SQL statement using IDbConnection.
| TryRetrieveRow(IDbCommand, Type, String, Int32, DataRow, Object) |
Tries to retrieve the first DataRow in the result set of the SQL statement using IDbCommand.
| TryRetrieveRow(IDbConnection, Type, String, Int32, DataRow, Object) |
Tries to retrieve the first DataRow in the result set of the SQL statement using IDbConnection.
| UpdateData(OdbcConnection, DataTable, String) |
Updates the underlying data of the DataTable using OdbcConnection, and
returns the number of rows successfully updated.
| UpdateData(OleDbConnection, DataTable, String) |
Updates the underlying data of the DataTable using OleDbConnection, and
returns the number of rows successfully updated.
| UpdateData(SqlConnection, DataTable, String) |
Updates the underlying data of the DataTable using SqlConnection, and
returns the number of rows successfully updated.