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IInputAdapter Methods

The IInputAdapter type exposes the following members.

  Name Description
Public method Dispose Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
(Inherited from IDisposable)
Public method GetShortStatus Gets a short one-line adapter status.
(Inherited from IAdapter)
Public method Initialize Initializes the state of the object.
(Inherited from ISupportLifecycle)
Public method SetTemporalConstraint Defines a temporal processing constraint for the adapter.
(Inherited from IAdapter)
Public method Start Starts the adapter, if it is not already running.
(Inherited from IAdapter)
Public method Stop Stops the adapter.
(Inherited from IAdapter)
Extension Methods
  Name Description
Public Extension Method GetMeasurementRecord Gets measurement record, creating it if needed.
(Defined by MetadataHelpers)
Public Extension Method GetParentDevice Gets ID of parent device, creating or updating record if needed, for the current IAdapter instance.
(Defined by MetadataHelpers)
Public Extension Method InputMeasurementKeys Returns the MeasurementKey values of the IAdapter input measurements.
(Defined by IAdapterExtensions)
Public Extension Method LookupDevice Looks up associated device acronym and ID from provided signalID.
(Defined by MetadataHelpers)
Public Extension Method LookupMeasurementKey Looks up or creates measurement key based on provided signalID.
(Defined by MetadataHelpers)
Public Extension Method LookupPointTag Looks up point tag name from provided signalID.
(Defined by MetadataHelpers)
Public Extension Method LookupSignalReference Looks up signal reference from provided signalID.
(Defined by MetadataHelpers)
Public Extension Method OnConfigurationChanged Notifies host system of configuration changes.
(Defined by MetadataHelpers)
Public Extension Method OutputMeasurementKeys Returns the MeasurementKey values of the IAdapter output measurements.
(Defined by IAdapterExtensions)
Public Extension Method PointTagExists Determines if pointTag exists in local configuration.
(Defined by MetadataHelpers)
Public Extension Method SignalIDExists Determines if signalID exists in local configuration.
(Defined by MetadataHelpers)
Public Extension Method SignalReferenceExists Determines if signalReference exists in local configuration.
(Defined by MetadataHelpers)
Public Extension Method TemporalConstraintIsDefined Returns true if IAdapter has a temporal constraint defined, i.e., either StartTimeConstraint or StopTimeConstraint is not set to its default value.
(Defined by IAdapterExtensions)
Public Extension Method WaitForSignalsToLoad Waits for signalIDs to be loaded in system configuration.
(Defined by MetadataHelpers)
See Also