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LengthUnit Enumeration

Represents the units available for a Length value.

Namespace: GSF.Units
Assembly: GSF.Core (in GSF.Core.dll) Version: 2.4.230-beta+03417d7b5cff037b24e882d7adef82d359b34964
public enum LengthUnit
Member nameValueDescription
Meters0 Meter length units.
Feet1 Foot length units.
Inches2 Inch length units.
Miles3 Mile length units.
LightSeconds4 Light-second length units.
USSurveyFeet5 U.S. survey foot length units.
USSurveyMiles6 U.S. survey mile length units.
NauticalMiles7 Nautical mile length units.
Yards8 Yard length units.
See Also