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QuantityMeasured Enumeration

Physical quantity under measurement.

Namespace: GSF.PQDIF.Logical
Assembly: GSF.PQDIF (in GSF.PQDIF.dll) Version: 2.4.230-beta
public enum QuantityMeasured
Member nameValueDescription
None0 None or not applicable.
Voltage1 Voltage.
Current2 Current.
Power3 Power - includes all data for a quantity or characteristic derived from multiplying voltage and current components.
Energy4 Energy - includes all data from an integration of a quantity or characteristic derived from multiplying voltage and current components together.
Temperature5 Temperature.
Pressure6 Pressure.
Charge7 Charge.
ElectricalField8 Electrical field.
MagneticField9 Magnetic field.
Velocity10 Velocity.
Bearing11 Compass bearing.
Force12 Applied force, electrical, mechanical etc.
Torque13 Torque.
Position14 Spatial position.
FluxLinkage15 Flux linkage Weber Turns.
FluxDensity16 Magnetic field density.
Status17 Status data.
See Also