| Name | Description |
| CreateArrayT(Int32) | Creates a strongly-typed Array. |
| CreateArrayT(Int32, T) | Creates a strongly-typed Array with an initial value parameter. |
| GetApplicationType |
Gets the type of the currently executing application.
| GetAvailablePhysicalMemory |
Gets the available physical system memory.
| GetOSPlatformID |
Gets the operating system PlatformID |
| GetOSProductName |
Gets the operating system product name.
| GetProcessMemory |
Gets the memory usage by the current process.
| GetTotalPhysicalMemory |
Gets the total physical system memory.
| IIfT | Returns one of two strongly-typed objects. |
| IsDefaultValue | Determines if given item is equal to its default value (e.g., null or 0.0). |
| IsNonStringReference | Determines if given item is a reference type but not a string. |
| IsNumeric |
Determines if given item is or can be interpreted as numeric.
| IsNumericType(Object) |
Determines if Type of item is a numeric type, i.e., item
is IConvertible and has a TypeCode that is one of:
Boolean, SByte, Byte,
Int16, UInt16, Int32,
UInt32, Int64, UInt64Single, Double or Decimal.
| IsNumericType(Type) |
Determines if type is a numeric type, i.e., has a TypeCode that is one of:
Boolean, SByte, Byte,
Int16, UInt16, Int32,
UInt32, Int64, UInt64Single, Double or Decimal.
| IsNumericType(TypeCode) |
Determines if typeCode is a numeric type, i.e., one of:
Boolean, SByte, Byte,
Int16, UInt16, Int32,
UInt32, Int64, UInt64Single, Double or Decimal.
| IsNumericTypeT |
Determines if T is a numeric type, i.e., has a TypeCode that is one of:
Boolean, SByte, Byte,
Int16, UInt16, Int32,
UInt32, Int64, UInt64Single, Double or Decimal.
| IsReference | Determines if given item is a reference type. |
| MaxT | Returns the largest item from a list of parameters. |
| MidT | Returns the value that is neither the largest nor the smallest. |
| MinT | Returns the smallest item from a list of parameters. |
| NotNull |
Returns value if not null; otherwise nonNullValue.
| ToNonNullNorEmptyStringT |
Converts value to string; null objects, DBNull objects or empty strings will return specified nonNullNorEmptyValue.
| ToNonNullNorWhiteSpaceT |
Converts value to string; null objects, DBNull objects, empty strings or all white space strings will return specified nonNullNorWhiteSpaceValue.
| ToNonNullString(String) |
Makes sure returned string value is not null; if this string is null, empty string ("") will be returned.
| ToNonNullStringT(T) |
Converts value to string; null objects (or DBNull objects) will return an empty string ("").
| ToNonNullStringT(T, String) |
Converts value to string; null objects (or DBNull objects) will return specified nonNullValue.
| TypeConvertFromString(String, Type) |
Converts this string into the specified type.
| TypeConvertFromString(String, Type, CultureInfo) |
Converts this string into the specified type.
| TypeConvertToString(Object) |
Converts value to a String using an appropriate TypeConverter.
| TypeConvertToString(Object, CultureInfo) |
Converts value to a String using an appropriate TypeConverter.