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PERUnalignedEncoder Class

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: GSF.ASN1.Coders.PER
Assembly: GSF.ASN1 (in GSF.ASN1.dll) Version: 2.4.230-beta
public class PERUnalignedEncoder : PERAlignedEncoder
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The PERUnalignedEncoder type exposes the following members.

Public methodPERUnalignedEncoderInitializes a new instance of the PERUnalignedEncoder class
Protected methoddoAlign
(Overrides PERAlignedEncoderdoAlign(Stream))
Public methodencodeT
(Inherited from PERAlignedEncoder)
Public methodencodeAny
(Inherited from PERAlignedEncoder)
Public methodencodeBitString
(Inherited from PERAlignedEncoder)
Public methodencodeBoolean
(Inherited from PERAlignedEncoder)
Public methodencodeBoxedType
(Inherited from Encoder)
Public methodencodeChoice Encoding of the choice structure ITU-T X.691. 22. NOTE – (Tutorial) A choice type is encoded by encoding an index specifying the chosen alternative. This is encoded as for a constrained integer (unless the extension marker is present in the choice type, in which case it is a normally small non-negative whole number) and would therefore typically occupy a fixed length bit-field of the minimum number of bits needed to encode the index. (Although it could in principle be arbitrarily large.) This is followed by the encoding of the chosen alternative, with alternatives that are extension additions encoded as if they were the value of an open type field. Where the choice has only one alternative, there is no encoding for the index.
(Inherited from PERAlignedEncoder)
Public methodencodeChoicePreamble
(Inherited from PERAlignedEncoder)
Public methodencodeClassType
(Inherited from Encoder)
Protected methodencodeConstraintLengthDeterminant Encoding constraint length determinant procedure. ITU-T X.691. 10.9. General rules for encoding a length determinant
(Inherited from PERAlignedEncoder)
Protected methodencodeConstraintNumber
(Overrides PERAlignedEncoderencodeConstraintNumber(Int64, Int64, Int64, BitArrayOutputStream))
Public methodencodeCSElement
(Inherited from Encoder)
Protected methodencodeCSEnum
(Inherited from Encoder)
Public methodencodeElement
(Inherited from Encoder)
Public methodencodeEnum
(Inherited from Encoder)
Public methodencodeEnumItem
(Inherited from PERAlignedEncoder)
Public methodencodeInteger
(Inherited from PERAlignedEncoder)
Protected methodencodeIntegerValueAsBytes
(Inherited from PERAlignedEncoder)
Protected methodencodeLength
(Inherited from PERAlignedEncoder)
Protected methodencodeLengthDeterminant Encoding length determinant procedure. ITU-T X.691. 10.9. General rules for encoding a length determinant
(Inherited from PERAlignedEncoder)
Protected methodencodeNormallySmallNumber Encode normally small number ITU-T X.691. 10.6 NOTE – (Tutorial) This procedure is used when encoding a non-negative whole number that is expected to be small, but whose size is potentially unlimited due to the presence of an extension marker. An example is a choice index.
(Inherited from PERAlignedEncoder)
Public methodencodeNull
(Inherited from PERAlignedEncoder)
Public methodencodeObjectIdentifier
(Inherited from PERAlignedEncoder)
Public methodencodeOctetString
(Inherited from PERAlignedEncoder)
Public methodencodePreparedElement
(Inherited from Encoder)
Public methodencodeReal
(Inherited from PERAlignedEncoder)
Protected methodencodeSemiConstraintNumber Encoding of a semi-constrained whole number ITU-T X.691. 10.7. NOTE – (Tutorial) This procedure is used when a lower bound can be identified but not an upper bound. The encoding procedure places the offset from the lower bound into the minimum number of octets as a non-negative-binary-integer, and requires an explicit length encoding (typically a single octet) as specified in later procedures.
(Inherited from PERAlignedEncoder)
Public methodencodeSequence
(Inherited from PERAlignedEncoder)
Public methodencodeSequenceField
(Inherited from Encoder)
Public methodencodeSequenceOf
(Inherited from PERAlignedEncoder)
Public methodencodeSequencePreamble
(Inherited from PERAlignedEncoder)
Public methodencodeSet
(Inherited from PERAlignedEncoder)
Public methodencodeString
(Overrides PERAlignedEncoderencodeString(Object, Stream, ElementInfo))
Protected methodencodeUnconstraintNumber Encoding of a unconstrained whole number ITU-T X.691. 10.8. NOTE – (Tutorial) This case only arises in the encoding of the value of an integer type with no lower bound. The procedure encodes the value as a 2's-complement-binary-integer into the minimum number of octets required to accommodate the encoding, and requires an explicit length encoding (typically a single octet) as specified in later procedures.
(Inherited from PERAlignedEncoder)
Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodFinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodgetChoiceSelectedElement
(Inherited from Encoder)
Public methodGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodinvokeGetterMethodForField
(Inherited from Encoder)
Public methodinvokeSelectedMethodForField
(Inherited from Encoder)
Protected methodMemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodGetEnumValueOrDefault Gets the enumeration constant for value, if defined in the enumeration, or a default value.
(Defined by EnumExtensions)
Public Extension MethodGetEnumValueOrDefaultT Gets the enumeration constant for this value, if defined in the enumeration, or a default value.
(Defined by EnumExtensions)
See Also