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AuthenticationOptions Properties

The AuthenticationOptions type exposes the following members.

  Name Description
Public property AjaxRequestVerificationToken Gets or sets token to specify when using AJAX for request verification tokens.
Public property AlternateSecurityProviderResourceExpression Gets or sets the expression that will match paths for the resources on the web server that should user the Alternate SecurityProvider.
Public property AnonymousResourceExpression Gets or sets the expression that will match paths for the resources on the web server that can be provided without checking credentials.
Public property AuthenticationSchemes Gets or sets the authentication schemes to use when testing authentication with the AuthTestPage.
Public property AuthenticationToken Gets or sets the token used for identifying the authentication token in cookie headers.
Public property AuthFailureRedirectResourceExpression Gets or sets the expression that will match paths for the resources on the web server that should redirect to the LoginPage when authentication fails.
Public property AuthTestPage Gets or sets the page name used to test user authorization.
Public property ClearCredentialsParameter Gets or sets the parameter name for the AuthTestPage that forces it to use Basic authentication so that any cached browser credentials can be cleared.
Public property LoginHeader Gets or sets any custom header to be displayed on the LoginPage.
Public property LoginPage Gets or sets the login page used as a redirect location when authentication fails.
Public property LogoutPage Gets or sets the path for the logout page.
Public property Readonly Gets an immutable version of the authentication options.
Public property Realm Gets or sets the case-sensitive identifier that defines the protection space for this authentication.
Public property RequestVerificationToken Gets or sets the token used for anti-forgery verification in HTTP request headers.
Public property SessionToken Gets or sets the token used for identifying the session ID in cookie headers.
See Also