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EuclideanWrap Method

Wraps a value to a range of values defined by the given minimum value and range.

Namespace: GSF.NumericalAnalysis
Assembly: GSF.Core (in GSF.Core.dll) Version: 2.4.230-beta+03417d7b5cff037b24e882d7adef82d359b34964
public static double Wrap(
	double value,
	double minimum,
	double range
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value  Double
The value to be wrapped.
minimum  Double
The minimum value of the range.
range  Double
The size of the range.

Return Value

The given value wrapped to the given range.
This method wraps the given value based on the assumption that for every pair of values x and y where x-y=range, the values are equivalent. This is probably most widely understood in terms of angles, where 0, 360, 720, etc. are all equivalent angles. If you wanted to wrap an angle such that it is between 120 and 480, for instance, you could call Euclidean.Wrap(angle, 120, 360).
See Also