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FilePathGetUniqueFilePathWithBinarySearch Method

Gets a unique file path for the given file by checking for name collisions and adding a sequence number to the end of the file name if there is a collision.

Namespace: GSF.IO
Assembly: GSF.Core (in GSF.Core.dll) Version: 2.4.230-beta+03417d7b5cff037b24e882d7adef82d359b34964
public static string GetUniqueFilePathWithBinarySearch(
	string originalFilePath
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originalFilePath  String
The path to the original file before adding the sequence number.

Return Value

The unique path to the file.
This method is designed to handle the case where the user wishes to create a file in a folder with a given name when there is a possibility that the name is already taken. Using this method, it is possible to create files with names in the following format:
  • File.ext
  • File (1).ext
  • File (2).ext
  • ...
This method uses a binary search to find a unique file name, so it is suitable for situations where a large number of files will be created with the same file name, and the next unique file name needs to be found relatively quickly. It will not always detect gaps in the sequence numbers that can occur when files are deleted (for instance, if "File (1).ext" were deleted from the list above).
See Also