CachedFileStream(String, FileMode, FileAccess, FileShare, Int32, Boolean) Constructor
Initializes a new instance of the
FileStream class with the specified path, creation mode, read/write and sharing permission, the access other FileStreams can have to the same file, the buffer size, and additional file options.
Namespace: GSF.IOAssembly: GSF.Core (in GSF.Core.dll) Version: 2.4.230-beta+03417d7b5cff037b24e882d7adef82d359b34964
SyntaxGSF.IO.CachedFileStream = function(path, mode, access, share, blockSize, useAsync);
View SourceParameters
- path String
- A relative or absolute path for the file that the current FileStream object will encapsulate.
- mode FileMode
- A constant that determines how to open or create the file.
- access FileAccess
- A constant that determines how the file can be accessed by the FileStream object. This gets the CanRead and CanWrite properties of the FileStream object. CanSeek is true if path specifies a disk file.
- share FileShare
- A constant that determines how the file will be shared by processes.
- blockSize Int32
- A positive Int32 value greater than 0 indicating the block size. For blockSize values between one and eight, the actual block size is set to eight bytes.
- useAsync Boolean
- Specifies whether to use asynchronous I/O or synchronous I/O. However, note that the underlying operating system might not support asynchronous I/O, so when specifying true, the handle might be opened synchronously depending on the platform. When opened asynchronously, the BeginRead(Byte, Int32, Int32, AsyncCallback, Object) and BeginWrite(Byte, Int32, Int32, AsyncCallback, Object) methods perform better on large reads or writes, but they might be much slower for small reads or writes. If the application is designed to take advantage of asynchronous I/O, set the useAsync parameter to true. Using asynchronous I/O correctly can speed up applications by as much as a factor of 10, but using it without redesigning the application for asynchronous I/O can decrease performance by as much as a factor of 10.
ExceptionsException | Condition |
ArgumentNullException | path is null. |
ArgumentException | path is an empty string (""), contains only white space, or contains one or more invalid characters. -or-path refers to a non-file device, such as "con:", "com1:", "lpt1:", etc. in an NTFS environment. |
NotSupportedException | path refers to a non-file device, such as "con:", "com1:", "lpt1:", etc. in a non-NTFS environment. |
ArgumentOutOfRangeException | blockSize is negative or zero.-or- mode, access, or share contain an invalid value. |
FileNotFoundException | The file cannot be found, such as when mode is FileMode.Truncate or FileMode.Open, and the file specified by path does not exist. The file must already exist in these modes. |
IOException | An I/O error, such as specifying FileMode.CreateNew when the file specified by path already exists, occurred.-or-The stream has been closed. |
SecurityException | The caller does not have the required permission. |
DirectoryNotFoundException | The specified path is invalid, such as being on an unmapped drive. |
UnauthorizedAccessException | The access requested is not permitted by the operating system for the specified path, such as when access is Write or ReadWrite and the file or directory is set for read-only access. |
PathTooLongException | The specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length. For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must be less than 248 characters, and file names must be less than 260 characters. |
See Also