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TableOperationsTGetSearchRestriction Method

Generates a RecordRestriction based on fields marked with SearchableAttribute and specified searchText.

Namespace: GSF.Data.Model
Assembly: GSF.Core (in GSF.Core.dll) Version: 2.4.230-beta+03417d7b5cff037b24e882d7adef82d359b34964
public RecordRestriction GetSearchRestriction(
	string searchText
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searchText  String
Text to search.

Return Value

RecordRestriction based on fields marked with SearchableAttribute and specified searchText.


Any fields marked with both SearchableAttribute and EncryptDataAttribute will be automatically managed, i.e., the returned RecordRestriction parameters will already apply any field based encryption as needed. Database query functions executed for fields marked for encryption will only be searched using FullValueMatch, regardless of any otherwise specified value in the SearchableAttribute as encryption is handled locally. However, the SearchRecords(String, Boolean, String, StringComparison) function can be used to find data in encrypted fields that are marked for search with a LikeExpression.
See Also