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ValueExpressionParserDeriveExpression Method

Derives an expression based on member info with any this keywords properly referencing Instance value.

Namespace: GSF.ComponentModel
Assembly: GSF.Core (in GSF.Core.dll) Version: 2.4.230-beta+03417d7b5cff037b24e882d7adef82d359b34964
public static string DeriveExpression(
	string expression,
	IValueExpressionAttribute valueExpressionAttribute,
	MemberInfo member,
	string typeName
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expression  String
Expression to derive, typically from GetPropertyUpdateValue(PropertyInfo) or GetExpressionUpdateValue(PropertyInfo).
valueExpressionAttribute  IValueExpressionAttribute
Associated IValueExpressionAttribute instance.
member  MemberInfo
Associated MemberInfo instance, typically target property for valueExpressionAttribute.
typeName  String
Modeled type name, e.g., typeof<T>.FullName.

Return Value

Derived expression with any this keywords properly referencing Instance value.
EvaluationOrderException Specified expression references the this keyword and must specify a positive EvaluationOrder.
ArgumentNullExceptionParameter expression cannot be null.
See Also