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Grid Solutions Framework

ComputeDataSourceValue Properties

The AbsoluteValueTComputeDataSourceValue type exposes the following members.

  Name Description
Public property Aliases Gets any defined aliases for the Grafana function.
(Inherited from AbsoluteValueT)
Public property AllowedGroupOperations Gets set of group operations that the Grafana function allows.
(Inherited from GrafanaFunctionBaseT)
Public property Category Gets the category of the Grafana function, i.e., built-in or custom.
(Inherited from GrafanaFunctionBaseT)
Public property DataTypeIndex Gets the data source value type index associated with the Grafana function.
(Inherited from GrafanaFunctionBaseT)
Public property Description Gets the description of the Grafana function.
(Inherited from AbsoluteValueT)
Public property InternalParameterCount Gets the number of internal parameters of the Grafana function.
(Inherited from GrafanaFunctionBaseT)
Public property IsSliceSeriesEquivalent Gets or sets a flag indicating whether the function behaves equivalently when processed as a series or as a slice. Value defaults to true for functions that return a series of values, i.e., the return type is Series, and the AllowedGroupOperations includes the flag for Slice operations; otherwise, value defaults to false when the return type is a scalar value, i.e., Scalar, or the AllowedGroupOperations does not include the flag for Slice operations.
(Inherited from GrafanaFunctionBaseT)
Public property Name Gets the name of the Grafana function.
(Inherited from AbsoluteValueT)
Public property OptionalParameterCount Gets the number of optional parameters of the Grafana function.
(Inherited from GrafanaFunctionBaseT)
Public property ParameterDefinitions Gets the list of defined parameter definitions for the Grafana function.
(Inherited from GrafanaFunctionBaseT)
Public property PublishedGroupOperations Gets set of group operations that the Grafana function exposes publicly.
(Inherited from GrafanaFunctionBaseT)
Public property RequiredParameterCount Gets the number of required parameters, not including data source values expression, of the Grafana function.
(Inherited from GrafanaFunctionBaseT)
Public property ResultIsSetTargetSeries Gets flag that determines if function result is target series for set-based group operations.
(Inherited from GrafanaFunctionBaseT)
Public property ReturnType Gets the return type of the Grafana function, i.e., scalar or series.
(Inherited from AbsoluteValueT)
See Also