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MsgBoxStyle Enumeration

Specifies the buttons to be displayed in a message box.

Namespace: GSF.Web.UI
Assembly: GSF.Web (in GSF.Web.dll) Version: 2.4.232-beta
public enum MsgBoxStyle
Member nameValueDescription
OKOnly0 OK Button.
DefaultButton10 First button is default.
ApplicationModal0 Application modal message box.
OKCancel1 OK and Cancel buttons.
AbortRetryIgnore2 Abort,Retry, and Ignore buttons.
YesNoCancel3 Yes, No, and Cancel buttons.
YesNo4 Yes and No buttons.
RetryCancel5 Retry and Cancel buttons.
Critical16 Critical message.
Question32 Warning query.
Exclamation48 Warning message.
Information64 Information message.
DefaultButton2256 Second button is default.
DefaultButton3512 Third button is default.
DefaultButton4768 Fourth button is default.
SystemModal4,096 System modal message box.
See Also